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Increasing Tolerance During Ramadhan


By: Rahma Cintya *

Tolerance is one thing that cannot be separated from the diversity that grows in Indonesia. Basically, the Indonesian people are formed from a lot of differences in religion, region, race, ethnicity, group, and age. Things like this of course cannot be forced to be the same, so tolerance is needed to understand each other and appreciate differences that essentially grow without being able to be chosen.

Tolerance is increasingly being tested with the rise of political interests which directly bring the essential things to the realm that should not be gossiped. The young post-reform political democracy system still has gaps that can be used by those who aim to divide the unity of the NKRI. Especially taking advantage of the momentum of the political year as one of his weapons. With only 2 big choices at the end of the seat of government, making the conquest of the community camp more easily directed. This of course is not a desire of the realization of this plural society.

Post-Election Atmosphere

In this 5-year democracy party, people are invited to make choices by filling in the ballot papers in a predetermined manner. The task of the community as the owner of voting rights ends here. The rest, the majority vote officially calculated by the KPU is the legitimate result of the voting process that has occurred.

Unfortunately, the issues that actually worried the community actually buzzed loudly after the people used their voting rights. This condition is getting hotter because the mass media also provides a considerable portion of this issue. As a result, the situation in the community is heating up because of the constant news coverage that leads to unrest. Pengkubuan formed before the election made the community as if they have an interest in winning one of the candidates. Whatever the reason, bringing essential rights in the realm of political control becomes a taboo thing.

The official vote count period also coincides with the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. This momentum is expected to provide peace in the conditions and social conflicts of the community. Another hope is that with this month of Ramadan the community is not easily crammed with issues that have the potential to undermine unity, and be able to refrain from inviting self and society in general.

Religion and SARA Issues

In the political contestation in recent years, essential differences have become a weapon used by individual politicians as a pretext to gain votes. The community seems to be led to form camps and groups on the basis of certain differences. Over time, this development has become increasingly tapering and endless. From political interests, it becomes a society split which is supported by news media that are increasingly not cover both sides.

Even though these essential differences were the first to become a unifying weapon for the NKRI. The diversity and culture of the community becomes a real thing that can be found in community life in Indonesia. This is supported by the country’s constitutional foundation namely Pancasila.

The bipolar political system turns out to have an impact on people’s lives in a political perspective. The formation of political camps under the pretext of religion or group actually created a gap between communities that no longer fit the Pancasila. The potential for division is a horror that should not be realized in this democratic country.

Ramadhan and Unity

The holy month is the right moment to reflect the current state of society. In addition to refraining from physical temptations, in Ramadan you are also invited to hold your mind and emotions. Thus, the month of Ramadan is not only a month full of blessings for individuals, but also for the people of Indonesia in general. The condition of the community that was felt separated by the camps formed by the political system was an obstacle to this diverse community life. Therefore, the month of Ramadan can be a good time to re-establish unity for society in general. By giving voting rights, the rest becomes the interests of the constitution. Society returns to the reality of life that must be lived every day. Interaction between people and their environment certainly cannot be affected by different political views. This process of political maturation can actually be further deepened during this fasting period. Thus, tolerance and diversity can continue to live and develop in Indonesian society in accordance with the Pancasila.

* The author is a Social Media Activist

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