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Independence in my homeland


By: Febiola

My homeland, to this day we still commemorate the flag ceremony which is held every year on August 17, with various competitions, carnivals, healthy walks, and the style of our previous heroes and so on. And as the development era progressed amidst a society rich in technological knowledge, we still maintain that culture and memorial service. However, it is only slightly different, while we commemorate at the same time listen and know about mere issues circulating in the social media even in the midst of public conversation, as if to change our perspective on our beloved country itself.

According to MC Ricklefs in his book Modern Indonesian History 1200-2008, modern paintings also began to mature in the Revolution when artists such as Affandi (1910-90) and Sudjojono (1913-1986) not only poured the spirit of the Revolution into their paintings, but also gave more direct P support by making anti-Dutch posters. Posters “Shouting” Like rock singers, posters during the revolution seemed to ‘shout’ loudly through the words contained in the poster, so that it moved people who saw it. “BAMBOE ROENTJING READY TO OCEAN EDUCATION” these words were written in a poster depicting the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people at that time to maintain independence so passionately, even with spiked bamboo equipment, the nation was able to repel invaders who were equipped with war weapons. more sophisticated.

This is proof that only our homeland has many warriors who have a spirit of unity that is so great in fighting the invaders, then what is wrong with us as if as invaders in our own country by spreading the news of hoaxes (issues) that do not enter sense in our own media.

This is the way we love our own homeland, aren’t young people who have intelligence will not stay silent only these issues that do not make sense. It is proper for us young people of this nation to explore the meaning or meaning of independence itself by encouraging each of us to continue to read about our Indonesian history and uncover the truth that is there, and not only that the development and preparation of this country will also help us explore so that in the future our country will no longer continue to be called a developing country. When our country has become independent whether we as citizens are not ashamed to continue to be called developing countries, it is only fitting that we as natives in the country itself push each other to make our beloved homeland a developed country and not again called developing countries.

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