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Indonesia invites ASEAN Countries to take the advantage of Digital Economy


CIDISS. In the current era of digital technology, synergy between ASEAN member countries is certainly needed to build a better regional economy.

Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) RI Rudiantara invited ASEAN member countries to take advantage of the digital economy. This is to reduce economic and social disparities in each country.

In the World Economic Forum on ASEAN Start Ups at the NCC, Ha Noi, Vietnam, Rudiantara said, ASEAN countries also faced a welfare gap which was reflected in the Gini ratio. All ASEAN member countries still face challenges to reduce the Gini ratio.

Rudiantara called for promoting the digital economy as a way to reduce the gini ratio. The Minister who also serves as the ASEAN Governor’s WEF Digital Board stated that digital economic opportunities could be a solution to improve welfare equity and reduce economic inequality. Indonesia has managed to reduce to 39 percent after previously always being above 40 percent. Vietnam can be up to 37 percent.

The ASEAN Start-Ups Forum with the theme Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem guided by the Founder and Executive Chair of the World Economic Forum Professor Klaus Schwab discussed the 4th Industrial Revolution and the role of the next generation to pave the way through policy change.

The panel opened with a focus on government efforts to assist and facilitate the growth of digital start-ups. In the panel, Minister Rudiantaa reiterated the role of the government as a facilitator and accelerator to encourage the development of digital economy.

Rudiantara said, we always try to facilitate and even accelerate to encourage the emergence of digital start-ups. If anyone asks how to develop a startup, I answer follow the money.

The mindset about business is expected to be changed by utilizing digital technology, so that Indonesia is able to become a leader in ASEAN with the rapid development of the digital economic sector and in the future it is expected to improve the level of public financial income and accelerate Indonesia’s economic development.

By: M. Irfandi *)

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