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Indonesia Optimistic to Win Against Covid-19


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*

Covid-19 virus is still entrenched in Indonesia. Many rules are issued to prevent its spread, such as PSBB and physical distancing. Although there are still patients affected by corona, but the people of Indonesia must be optimistic that this disease can really disappear from this country.

President Joko Widodo invites all Indonesian people to be optimistic in fighting the covid-19 virus. The situation in this pandemic is indeed difficult, but that does not mean we have to give up. All elements of the community are expected to work together to throw corona by obeying several regulations issued by the government, such as PSBB, mandatory wearing masks, and physical distancing.

This call from the president certainly motivates the public to continue their enthusiasm against corona. You do this by adhering to clean living and continuing to maintain hygiene of the body and home, so it is not easily affected by the Covid-19 virus. In addition, the community is also expected to continue to maintain stamina by consuming nutritious food and also drinking herbs, so that the body is strong and not easily infected with corona.

The optimism to be able to win against the covid-19 virus must be accompanied by the attitude of the people who are pro with government policies. When there is an appeal to be obliged to wear a mask, you must use it even if it only comes out to dispose of garbage in the front bin. If this rule is obeyed it will protect itself from covid-19 virus transmission.

Periodic social restrictions must also be obeyed and the public not allowed to hold events that invite crowds. For example music concerts or weddings. In fact, there will be a rule that there may be a wedding event but the number of guests is limited to 30 people. This is all to obey the PSBB rules.

Why do you have to obey the rules strictly? Of course this was all done so that the corona would lose and leave Indonesia immediately. In fact, although there have been suggestions from the government to wear masks, they are still often violated by the community. There are still many people who think that corona is an ordinary disease and even just a conspiracy theory. So they are ignorant and do not wear masks or any face shield when leaving the house.

Discipline is the key to success against corona. Obey all regulations issued by the government. Isn’t it better to obey this regulation because it only applies temporarily? If Indonesia has been declared free from the covid-19 virus, then we can be free and active as usual, the same as before the corona pandemic took place.

Meanwhile, the government is also very optimistic that the spread of the covid-19 virus will stop. It is estimated, in June 2020 the corona patient curve can be sloped. Indeed, in May this graph could rise, because it is the peak of the pandemic. But after an increase, of course there is a decrease. Hopefully these corona patient charts have not only sloped but also fallen, so that Indonesia can be completely free of the covid-19 virus.

Xiao Qian, the Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia also praised President Joko Widodo’s steps in overcoming the co-19 virus attack. Jokowi is considered responsive and has implemented appropriate measures to prevent the spread of corona. The president was also praised for his responsibility and care, not only for the safety and health of Indonesian citizens but also foreign nationals. Xiao Qian is also optimistic that the corona pandemic in Indonesia will soon end.

The president’s call to remain optimistic in the midst of the co-19 pandemic certainly we must follow. We can’t give up with corona. Stay clean and disciplined behavior wearing a mask and diligently drinking herbal ingredients to maintain endurance. That way, we are not easily infected with corona or transmit covid-19 virus.

)* Active writer in the Jakarta Press Circle and Students

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