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Investigate the Fire Case at Pertamina in Plumpang


Jakarta – Support Pertamina’s efforts to immediately carry out a thorough investigation into the fire case at the Pertamina Depot in Plumpang which caused several victims. With a thorough investigation, the exact cause of the fire incident will be known and all parties can anticipate so that similar incidents do not recur.

The Pertamina Plumpang Depot in North Jakarta just experienced an intense fire incident, namely on the evening of Friday 3 March 2023. Even so, until now the exact cause of the Pertamina Plumpang depot fire is still in the process of being investigated.

The Indonesian National Police (Polri) has revealed the temporary cause of the fire. The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo during a direct visit to the location of the fire incident, stated that currently his party is still conducting in-depth investigations to find out the source of the fire that caused the fire.

Not only that, the police are also gathering other evidence in the form of CCTV footage, witnesses and also things that are really needed with a technical nature, which in the future all of these things will be able to explain how the incident actually happened, especially regarding the source of fire. .

Furthermore, the National Police Chief also revealed that the fire started at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot when filling the Pertamax type of fuel at the location. At that time, at around 20:00 WIB, the filling or receiving of Pertamax type oil from Balongan was taking place and then it was received at the Plumpang Depot.

It is also known that the fire at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot, Koja, North Jakarta has claimed the lives of the surrounding community. Residents’ settlements which are only a few meters away from the main center of the red rooster are also associated with the results of political promises that have been made by Anies Baswedan to Kampung Tanah Merah.

Regarding this matter, Member of Commission B DPRD DKI Jakarta from the PDIP Fraction, Gilbert Simanjuntak stated that it was only fitting that former Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Basewdan take direct responsibility for the disaster that occurred at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot.

How could it not be, the article has been known from the start that around the Pertamina Plumpang Depot cannot be occupied at a certain distance. So that the land actually belonged to PT Pertamina which was occupied by residents, but Anies Baswedan when he was still serving as Governor actually gave permission to construct buildings, which was actually clearly against the regulations.

With an incident such as this fire, according to Gilbert, it was appropriate for the people living in the Pertamina Plumpang Depot settlement to be relocated immediately, which aims to avoid a recurrence of disaster in the future.

In fact, Gilbert emphatically revealed that the Building Permit (IMB) issued by Anies Baswedan while serving as governor made the problem even more complicated, because it was seen that after that he was only concerned with being able to be elected governor at that time with a campaign promise even though he actually had to break the rules.

Meanwhile, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir instructed PT Pertamina (Persero) to immediately thoroughly investigate the fire case. According to him, focused action and fast steps were able to save the community and indeed there must be an operational evaluation in the future.

Erick also promised that he would take part in overseeing the fire case at the Pertamina BBM Depot until it was finished. On the other hand, Pertamina’s Main Director, Nicke Widyawati, said that efforts to deal with this incident were carried out by Pertamina in collaboration with related parties.

Pertamina has also formed a joint team with PT Pertamina Patra Niaga and related functions to investigate the causes of the incident that night. According to Nicke, his party will thoroughly evaluate and reflect internally in order to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

On another occasion, Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI, Eddy Soeparno also asked Pertamina to conduct an investigative audit, which included technical audits, procedural audits, safety audits and depot management audits so that they could find out what caused the fire and to be able to prevent it. recurrence of similar incidents. The fire incident that occurred at the Pertamina Depot in Plumpang and resulted in a number of fatalities is something that is not wanted to happen again. Therefore, it is very appropriate that a thorough investigation be carried out immediately in order to be able to find out what the exact cause of the fire was to be able to take preventive measures so that similar incidents do not happen again.

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