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Jointly Confronting Terror



solidarity action "We Are Not Afraid" by the people of Jakarta
solidarity action “We Are Not Afraid” by the people of Jakarta

By: Basa Brawijawa *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – The sudden terrorist attack on Sarinah failed to create a panic atmosphere in the Capital City. The attack was even more unites Indonesia citizen to against terrorism together. Post-occurrence of attacks, the public showed decisiveness in the fight against terrorism. People are also rejects terrorist action and voicing ‘are not afraid’ jargon. The public also rejected the use hashtag #PrayforJakarta so as not to cause excessive concern over the incident.

Appreciation should also be given to the law enforcement who carry out their duties quickly. Shortly after the bombing, the police can instantly paralyze the bomber although there remains a victim of the police. Police ensure that no perpetrators of the explosion and the shooting survivors at Jalan MH Thamrin, Sarinah area, Central Jakarta. No perpetrators were captured alive. “The perpetrator was detected amounted to five people. The five perpetrators killed everything,” said Chief of Police Public Relations Division Inspector General, Anton Charliyan on Thursday afternoon. The fifth offender was killed in a different location. Three actors were killed in the courtyard of Starbucks Coffee, Sarinah. One of the three perpetrators detonated himself. As for the two other actors were killed after being shot by the police.

Unlike the Paris bom or Bangkok bom, the identity of the bomber are quickly revealed. Within 24 hours of the perpetrators identified as part of the Bahrun Naim network. Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General of Police Tito Karnavian explain the terrorist bombing Sarinah is one member of the group Bahrun Naim. The group wants to be seen to exist because the mastermind, Muhammad Bahrunnaim Anggih, wants to establish Katibah Nusantara, ISIS-wing extremist organizations in Southeast Asia. “He wants to be a leader for ISIS group in Southeast Asia,” he said.

The reaction of Indonesia citizen against teror showed that the character of the Indonesian nation is a nation that hates violence and intolerance. Such an attitude should be maintained by the community to always be united in the fight against threats to the nation. Through this event we can still see that the values of Pancasila is still embedded in the Indonesian nation. The ideology that still unites the nation in both ethnic diversity, ethnicity, race and religion. [BB]

*) Junior Researcher in LSISI

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