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Jokowi – Amin is Ready to Debate Without Stories


By: Ahmad Cahyadi *

The party of democracy in Indonesia is increasingly heating up, various strategies and mainstays of the Paslon are beginning to be displayed to the public. Speaking about the Presidential and Vice Presidential Debate event, this was one of the events to show off the vision and mission of the candidate pair which had just been held on January 17, 2019. Various media reported evaluations to the KPU regarding the lattices given to each Paslon, so that the next debate will be carried out different rules and formats as said by the General Election Commission (KPU) namely Wahyu Setiawan. There is no grid anymore and there is no notification of question abstractions made by panelists, so each candidate pair must be prepared to submit answers in a real and real way.

The KPU’s decision received a positive response from candidate pair number 1, Jokowi-Amin, who stated that there was no problem if the KPU did not give a lattice at the second debate of the 2019 Presidential Election because of the fact that it was not number 1 candidate asking for a grid when the first debate yesterday. The decision to give a grid to each candidate pair is agreed because we must respect every decision made by the KPU and do not intervene. Although currently Jokowi still holds the position of President of Indonesia, Jokowi still follows the rules made by the KPU.

Besides that, all the people could see in the debate yesterday, precisely Paslon 01 was the most original, ready, and concrete in the debate. Moreover, the candidate pair 01 will always explore further about the depth of the mission vision and the programs that will be offered in the next five years. Considering the theme of the debate to be raised later in relation to energy, food, infrastructure, natural resources, the environment, this is an opportunity for Jokowi to win the debate by seeing the results of real work for 4 years of governance in advancing energy and infrastructure. One of the advantages of the Jokowi-Amin pair is that they are able to answer debate questions according to the reality in the field because of the results of experience in leading the community so far, starting from the Mayor, the Governor, to the current President of the Republic, so there can be no doubt answers to be delivered.

In the first debate yesterday, the Jokowi-Amin pair received many good judgments and were considered winners compared to the Prabowo-Sandi pair because they were considered to appear more concrete, calm and not abstract in implementing the vision and mission that they wanted to aim for Indonesia. Hopefully in the next debate, Jokowi-Amin is ready to show his best quality and be able to prove the real visions to the people, especially the subsequent debates in different formats. Indonesia must be sure of experienced leaders not leaders who have past burdens.

) * FISIP Student of Jakarta State University

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