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Jokowi as PKI, Right Or Wrong?


By: Mirwan Achmad)*

Since his candidacy as a presidential candidate in 2014, Jokowi’s name has always been linked to a prohibited organization that once existed in Indonesia, the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI). Apparently, the issue of Jokowi’s historical status was used as a weapon for groups who had been opposed to the government. The unclear status of Jokowi about his past is an important issue that must be raised to bring down the prestige of Jokowi.

Not a few also claim that they can proved that Jokowi associated with the PKI. In fact, other issues mention that people who are recognized as parents Jokowi, not his biological parents.

The presence of issues that link Jokowi and the PKI is basically part of the issue of political struggle. These negative issues are mostly used by poliyic opponents to impose the dignity of the president in order to reduce the electability of the president.

Actually, this issue has been ignored by the family, including by Jokowi himself. Jokowi is the son of the couple Noto Mihardjo and Sudjiatmi. Both parents are Jokwi Original Javanese married in 1959. Parents have a business selling and buying wood in Solo which previously was the business of the father Sudjiatmi and then the business down to Jokowi.

Besides denied by the family, the allegations have also been denied by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the State Agency authorized in investigating information related to the security and sovereignty of NKRI.

The response about Jokowi’s part of the communist movement also came from the Islamic religious institution, Nahdhatul Ulama (NU). The board of PBNU who is also the Muslim intellectual, Imam Aziz denied allegations of Presidential Candidate Joko Widodo or Jokowi considered communist. “Jokowi is not a communist, he has hajj many times,” he said. The accusation was also a vile and excessive slander.

BIN has conducted a search for institutions that in the past have records of PKI members and their families. Based on the search, BIN made sure there was no record that President Jokowi’s parents were PKI leaders or cadres, either in Giriroto, Boyolali, or in other areas. BIN states that it is a slander.

Speaking of Jokowi descendants of the PKI, it is already proven wrong. One of those that occurred in 2015, which mentioned in chain messages that Jokowi on behalf of the government will scheduled a meeting with the PKI family and Gerwani in Gelora Bung Karno in order to apologize.

For the group that has been in opposition to the government, misdirection about Jokowi’s past is a high value opportunity. However, the historical truth of Jokowi is a fixed price that must be revealed to determine the legitimacy of the presidential institution.

)* The author is CIDISS Contributor

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