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Jokowi Built Indonesian’s Border in Kalimantan

The border route is in West Kalimantan Province. It is a parallel road border of West Kalimantan along 850 Kilometers.
The border route is in West Kalimantan Province. It is a parallel road border of West Kalimantan along 850 Kilometers.

CIDISS – One of Jokowi’s visions are to build the border area. The face of the border must be better than before. Thus, Jokowi Government provides funds amount IDR 16 Trillion to build the infrastructure on the border of Kalimantan from north to west Kalimantan.

Borneo Island is adjacent to neighbor country, Malaysia. Starting from the Indonesia-Malaysia border located in the area of East Kalimantan (Mahakam Hulu) and North Kalimantan (Malinau and Nunukan). While the border of Indonesia and Malaysia in West Kalimantan is on Entikong, Bengkayang, Aruk with the Malaysian part of Sarawak.

Building the border area is one of Jokowi’s priority programs listed in Nawacita (Jokowi’s vision). Secretary of the National Border Management Agency, Triyono Budi Sasongko, revealed there are 187 border areas that become the priority location of development. According Triyono, construction will be done gradually. Each year, 50 areas are prioritized.

The main purpose of accelerate development of border areas is increasing people’s productivity and strengthening the competitiveness of countries at global level. Therefore, the acceleration of a number of projects that had started in the previous era became the priority of Jokowi’s working cabinet.

State Border Posts (PLBN) and road infrastructure are evidence of Jokowi’s government commitment to build borders. Until 2017, Jokowi has directly inaugurated three PLBN in West Kalimantan namely Entikong, Badau, and Aruk.

In his speech, Jokowi mentioned that three PLBNs in West Kalimantan are among the most luxurious categories among the seven PLBN built by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). “Yesterday I inaugurated PLBN in Badau, three months ago Entikong, and now in Aruk. Three PLBN in West Kalimantan is the most magnificent and luxurious design, “he said in kompas.com.

In addition to state-border posts, President Jokowi also shows the Putussibau-Nanga Badau border, West Kalimantan, which is under construction. “This is the route Putussibau to Nanga Badau in West Kalimantan along 170 kilometers,” said Jokowi.

The Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing is optimistic that the 850 Kilometer border parallel road in West Kalimantan will be completed by the end of 2018, though not entirely coated with asphalt due to budget constraints.

The border parallel road of West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), from Nanga Badau, Entikong, Aruk, to Temajok is accessible by the end of next year. However, the road is not entirely coated with asphalt; there is also aggregate road that is solid and weatherproof.

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