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Jokowi – Ma’ruf’s victory need not be doubted


By: Jefri Ramadhan) *

The community is certainly made to ask, why is Prabowo still repeating the events of 2014, where he claimed to have won a victory before the official announcement from the KPU.

Even though the KPU’s latest Real count results in the 2019 Presidential Election, Jokowi – Ma’ruf is still superior compared to Prabowo’s challenger – Sandiaga. Where Jokowi – Ma’ruf managed to excel with the acquisition of 56.20 percent. Whereas Prabowo – Sandiaga received 43.80 percent, on Wednesday May 8 at 10:45 p.m. WIB.

PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto stated that his party’s victory in the 2019 Legislative Election was in line with the superiority of Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin in the 2019 Presidential Election. He said that 21 Provinces where Jokowi – Ma’ruf triumphed in the 2019 Presidential Election, PDI-P won in 15 Province.

On another occasion, TKN Chair Erick Thohir once confirmed that the victory achieved by the candidate pair 01 was obtained without cheating. He said the victory of the candidate pair 01 was God’s will.

 “This is for the good of Indonesia. It is impossible for good to be obtained through fraud, “Erick said.

He also reiterated that the victory of incumbent presidential candidates and vice president of Ma’ruf Amin was a permit from the almighty and without cheating. Former Inter Milan Managing Director added, cheating is not part of Jokowi – Maufuf’s DNA.

From the statement, of course Jokowi – Maufuf’s victory was firm. And all Indonesian people become winners in the 2019 Presidential Election contest.

 “So don’t let anyone feel the most meritorious in this victory,” Erick said

However, Kubu 02 still believes that the 62 percent victory is very much different from the results obtained from the KPU’s calculations.

Where evidence of the lies and irregularities of BPN data and faction 02 was exemplified in Lampung. The real count of the BPN is only done at 30 polling stations out of a total of more than 26,000 polling stations. Similarly, in DKI Jakarta. BPN only counts real counts at 300 polling stations, while in the capital city there are more than 29,000 polling stations.

While in Riau, the real faction of the 02 camp was only carried out in 145 polling stations of around 17 thousands of polling stations and in Bangka Belitung, Prabowo’s – Sandiaga real count was only carried out at 2 polling stations of the 3,804 polling stations.

“We received 25,000 complaints, of which 14,000 were related to fraud that benefited 02 and certainly harmed us. “It is appropriate if they claim to win 62 percent because very summarized data is obtained from polling stations that only win them,” he explained.

The 02 victory data certainly certainly fools and makes people think irrationally. Moreover, it became a trigger to extend the row of cheating narratives fried by ijtima ‘ulama III.

 “Don’t just stop at the ijtima ‘ulama. Just report to Bawaslu as we also convey indications of 02 fraud and other frauds to the Election Supervisory Body, “he said.

One of the reasons for Jokowi’s victory – Ma’ruf Amin is the voice of young voters, said Bahlil Lahadalia, who said that young voters still chose Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin, even though the couple 01 had many hoax information and hate speech.

According to Bahlil, young people who are generally critical give more confidence to the Jokowi – Maufuf couple to build Indonesia in the future.

 “Pak Jokowi has been proven for almost five years, can develop the economy well, and make Indonesia conducive,” said the Chairperson of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs (HIPMI).

According to him, youth is a smart and rational millennial group. He also felt optimistic that the Jokowi – Maufuf pair would win the 2019 election with a vote of around 55.6 percent.

He also invited all young people in Indonesia to be able to contribute to building Indonesia, in accordance with their respective professions and expertise.

Jokowi – Ma’ruf’s victory was also strengthened by the statement of Deputy Director of TKN Lukman Edy, who said that if all the remaining votes belonged to Prabowo – Sandiaga, this would not affect the final result. Where Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin will stay ahead in the 2019 Presidential Election contest.

 “If it’s already 80 million, that means the match is over. The rest is just formality, “said Lukman Edy.

Even so, TKN still awaits the official results of the General Election Commission (KPU) according to instructions from the presidential candidate number 01 Joko Widodo.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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