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Jokowi Proves the Realization of Development in the Land of Papua


By: Rebecca Marian )*

The keenness of infrastructure development in Papua is a tangible manifestation of the Government’s attention on Jokowi’s leadership. Moreover, there will be built 10 air accesses such as airports to remote areas of the Arfak Mountains.

Jokowi’s promise to develop the country, especially in the East Poros region has gradually been realized. Not only the opening of the trans Papua road, the magnificent Youtefa bridge as an icon of the new Papua has also stood firm. Darisini, explained that the tourism sector is also expected to increase. Because Papua now has a new tourist destination in the form of the Youtefa Iconic bridge. Moreover, the plan to accelerate the development is also considered not over yet, reportedly is now starting to touch remote areas in the Arfak Mountains.

It was stated that the government would build a number of airports in Papua. Each consists of 6 Airports in Papua Province namely, Kepi Airport, Ewer Airport, Ilaga Airport, Nabire Baru Airport, Oksibil Airport, and Mopah Airport. While 4 airports then are in West Papua Province. Among others; Waisai Raja Ampat Airport, Rendani Manokwari Airport, Wasior Baru Airport, and Baru Siboru Fak-Fak Airport.

In addition to developments in air access, following several development sectors in the sea transportation sector. According to a number of reports there will be a number of port development projects. Among them are; Nabire Port, Depapre Harbor, Pomako Port, Serui Port and also the Moor Port. For the Province of West Papua, the Kaimana Port will be built.

This was revealed by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi as an aim to strengthen national connectivity, especially in villages, suburbs and also all corners. Not only that, development in Papua is expected to be able to improve logistics efficiency, namely the transaction of goods and services as well as encourage the success of national products that have competitiveness.

Meanwhile, in the land transportation sector a mega project will also be carried out with details, construction of the State Cross-border Post Facility (PLBN) in Skouw Jayapura Regency regarding the provision of buses and water buses, construction of the Entrop Bus terminal in Jayapura city, not forgetting the water bus dock in the Lake Sentani region. Which will be used as PON access in Bumi Cendrawasih in 2020. Furthermore, this development plan will also be carried out towards the Arfak Mountains region. Including the Trans Road in West Papua Province along the 1,071 km has been connected and will continue to be improved.

Previously, President Jokowi had appointed Wempi Wetipo as Deputy Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), to oversee all infrastructure development especially in eastern Indonesia, Papua. Basuki Hadimuljono as the Minister of PUPR stated, with the presence of the deputy minister it was hoped that infrastructure development in the future could be even better. Because, who usually works alone, then in the next five years he will get help.

The completion of the Trans Papua West Papua road project as part of the Trans Papua Road is a manifestation of President Joko Widodo’s vision to develop Indonesia from the periphery and evenly distribute development results. Since 2018, the 1,071 kilometer long trans road has been connected and will continue to improve its condition. Namely, the asphalt road has reached up to 743 kilometers. While the rest is still in the form of aggregate or soil pavement.

For information, the Trans Papua Barat Road is divided into two segments or segments. The first is segment I Sorong-Maybrat-Manokwari which has a length of up to 595 km, and is able to connect the two economic centers in West Papua namely Sorong City with Manokwari which can now be reached in just 14 hours.

While the second segment is connecting Manokwari-Mameh-Wasior-Border Province of Papua. Of the total length of 476 km, the asphalt has reached 192 km, the pavement is around 283 km, but there is still a need to build 3 bridges with a total length of 210 meters.

Judging from the report above personally is very encouraging news. In addition to fulfilling his promises, President Jokowi was also able to get rid of slanted accusations against him. Namely, regarding the disparity in infrastructure welfare in Papua. Now, the people of the Earth of Paradise can be calm because the acceleration of development that is predicted will improve their welfare has been realized. And they don’t need to worry anymore right? President Jokowi also proved his attention and all his strength in order to develop Indonesia specifically from the Papua region.

)* The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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