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Jokowi’s Excellence in the Second Presidential Debate Gets Praise


Author: Nastiti Wardani *)
The second debate has been completed by leaving various reflections and flattery. Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Grace Natalie considered that Prabowo Subianto had lost twice in the event for this year’s Presidential Election Presidential debate. Grace also welcomed the second presidential debate positively, because the debate was held without giving a grid first. “It turns out that this non-grid method is more able to explore the originality of each candidate. And I’m sure even though there is no grid but there are lots of grids in circulation, “Grace said
Grace considered Jokowi to be superior in this second debate, as with Jokowi’s appearance at the inaugural debate. Not only Grace, the praise was also expressed by Perindo Party Secretary General (Secretary) Ahmad Rofiq, who assessed that from the first session to the last session the Presidential Candidates debate showed that Jokowi mastered the entire theme and was able to answer the questions straightforwardly. According to Rofiq, Jokowi’s slick performance cannot be separated from his experience in leading the government for over 4 years. Debate material is certainly very understood because it is in contact with daily tasks. The prime performance is inversely proportional to Prabowo. According to Rofiq, during the debate on candidate number 02, the candidate was unable to find a programmatic idea to bring the nation to a better direction.
A similar appreciation was also expressed by the vice chairman of the Jokowi TKN – Ma’ruf Abdul Kadir Karding. He considered Jokowi’s appearance very good because it uses data arguments, facts and concrete visions. This is different from Prabowo who spoke wryly and several times wrongly. For example about BUMN fisheries, even agreeing with Pak Jokowi’s opinion. And this makes many people say that Jokowi won a landslide victory over Prabowo.
Vice President Jusuf Kalla also considered that candidate number 01 Joko Widodo was superior to his opponent, in the second presidential debate. According to him, Jokowi has mastered more material about energy, infrastructure, natural resources, and the environment which is the theme of the debate. Jusuf Kalla also appreciated Prabowo’s honesty which several times praised Jokowi’s work. Even at the end of the debate, Prabowo admitted about a number of land owned in several regions.
It is quite clear that the fact that Jokowi’s praise is not only brought from his supporters, but Jokowi’s superiority was also contributed by the recognition and praise of his challenger Prabowo Subianto. “If seen, Jokowi took over the last stage of the debate with him explaining, if there are shortcomings, this is also a correction. This emotionally stole the stage of the audience’s attention that had been played by Prabowo with his jargon, “said political expert Charta Politika, Yunarto Wijaya.
He said he was surprised to see Prabowo praising Jokowi in many sessions. This is what makes Jokowi seem superior in the fourth round. Positive responses were also given by citizens in various lines of social media. Politicawave’s analysis also shows Jokowi controls all segments of the debate. Based on Politicawave’s observation on social media. A total of 53.39% of citizens talk about Jokowi. Prabowo was discussed by 46.61% warganet. There are two main tags in the conversation, namely #DebatPintarJokowi and #PrabowoMenangDebat.
“Jokowi as a sentiment in his sentiment is far more positive than Prabowo. “In fact, Prabowo is getting negative sentiment from netizens,” said Nadia Salshabillla, head of Analitics Political Wave, in a press release received by Katadata. Jokowi got a positive sentiment of 57.51% and negative sentiment of 42.49%. Meanwhile, Prabowo got a positive sentiment of 24.48% and negative sentiment of 70.52%. Nadia said, from the results of the analysis, there were positive issues for Jokowi regarding the substance related to the debate theme.
On the other hand, Warganet considers Prabowo often wrong or lacking in presenting data when criticizing Jokowi. Prabowo as a challenger is also considered less sharp. At its peak, Warganet’s criticism of Prabowo was seen in talks about land tenure and the lack of Prabowo’s information about unicorns.
In the closing segment, Jokowi is still superior with 50.40% of the conversation. As many as 65.48% contain positive sentiments that support their commitment to advance the nation. A total of 34.52% is a negative sentiment in the form of criticism related to the promise not to import.

Prabowo in the last segment was discussed by 49, 96% warganet. A total of 46.05% was in the form of positive sentiments that appreciated the clarification about land ownership and willingness to return it to the country. As much as 53.95% is a negative sentiment in the form of criticism because Prabowo does not know about the unicorn. Praise was also made by his running mate running mate Ma’ruf Amin who considered that Jokowi’s appearance during the presidential debate was very good. He claimed to be very satisfied with Jokowi’s answers to the debate.
Ma’ruf Amin also considered that Jokowi had mastered the debate theme this time. Jokowi is very master of environmental issues, infrastructure, which is the theme of the debate. Regarding the praises that were often delivered by Prabowo presidential candidate to Jokowi, Ma’ruf considered that this was reasonable and it should have happened. “Yes, it should be like that, yes, because Mr. Jokowi performed excellently so he had to get recognition,” he said.
Jokowi’s superiority in the second round of debates was indeed agreed by many parties, even Prabowo also praised the program launched by Joko Widodo. At the second presidential debate, it clearly shows, who really understands the problems and solutions of the Indonesian people.

*) Socio-Political Observer

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