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Jokowi’s Harmony with the Ulama


By: Rika Prasetya) *

Jokowi is indeed one of the many targets of Hoax which aims to reduce electability in the presidential election in 2019. One hoax that is quite widely used is a hoax about the criminalization of ulama since Jokowi served as President of the Republic of Indonesia.

But on many occasions, Jokowi is a figure who is very close to the ulama, even making KH Ma’ruf Amin as his running mate.

In February 2019, as many as 135 scholars from Madura stayed in touch with President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace complex.

The scholars came from Sampang, Pamekasan, Sumenep and Bangkalan Regencies. They are from the elements of the Nahdlatul Ulama, the National Santri Kiai Network (JKSN), and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

 “So our main goal came to the President from all representatives of the Madura Ulama, the essence of which was hospitality. So there is no term support – support, “said Deputy Rais Syuriah of the Sampang Regency Nahdlatul Ulama Branch (PCNU), Fahrurozi.

Fahrurozi stated that during the meeting the scholars also asked Jokowi for clarification regarding the spread of hoaxes or hoaxes on social media and in the community. According to him, the hoax clarified was related to Jokowi.

 “So we helped to straighten out, not only hoax related to Pak Jokowi but from all parties,” he added.

Fahrurozi said that Jokowi himself had clarified directly about false news relating to him to the Madurese scholars who participated in the meeting. He ensured the scholars would straighten the scattered hoaxes to the Madurese community.

 “What was conveyed answered what we clarified about the problem of hoaxing,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of Sampang Soleh District JKSN said he would win the Jokowi – Maufuf pair in Madura. Even so, the arrival of the ulama of the whole of Madura is not to support the Jokowi-Ma’ruf couple.

Even Jokowi also had time to meet with the ulama alumni of the movement 212. Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo revealed the reasons for President Jokowi’s meeting with 11 Alumni scholars 212.

 According to him, Jokowi met with the 212 Alumni scholars because they wanted to hear directly from their suggestions and criticisms. In addition, Jokowi was also called to create a cool atmosphere ahead of the voting day for the 2018 regional election and the 2019 election.

 “Don’t look at the political approach because the key is the stability approach. Pak Jokowi wants to be cool in the process of simultaneous regional elections, Pileg and Pilpres. He wants to be cool, follow all the rules, “said Tjahjo.

Jokowi’s meeting and some of the Alumni Brotherhood 212 scholars were revealed after the circulation of their photos to the public. Jokowi and Team 11 of the 212 Alumni Ulama gave their respective explanations for the meeting.

According to Tjahjo, Jokowi did not have any grudges against various community groups. He also mentioned the reason behind the frequent Jokowi meeting the community directly.

“Want to hear aspirations directly without passing minister A or through minister B, all heard,” he said.

And recently President Jokowi also received scholars and Aceh Province at the State Palace on Monday March 5, 2019.

In the event, Surya Paloh, who positioned himself as an Acehnese community leader, led the ulamas to meet the president accompanied by Minister of Religion Lukman Hakim Saifudin.

 “In charge of thoughts drawn from the heart of the community leaders, the religious scholars, the ashes who have arrived in Jakarta, today we say thank you, respect to the extraordinary (president) of us all,

“Said Surya.

Surya Paloh considered the court’s treaty in providing food offerings to the ulema and Acehnese community leaders really understood our feelings.

He further said, the scholars and community leaders of Aceh had the desire for the progress of this nation not to stop and continue to continue to approach the goal of Indonesian independence.

 “That means we need a leadership that continues to carry out the mandate as expected by the people and people of Indonesia,” Surya said.

Ulama Representative, Teungku H Nuruzzahri Yahya, after the gathering said, the President and his colleagues discussed many things at the meeting which began with the congregational prayer.

One of them is a matter of hoaxes, hoaxes, slander and utterances of hatred that hit him.

 “Pak Jokowi is having a lot of calamities here and there. This can divide the people, “Yahya said.

Some oblique issues that hit Jokowi, namely, Jokowi anti-Islam, Jokowi criminalized the clerics, Jokowi was a foreign and acrid stooge, and Jokowi was part of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

Yahya and all the ulama in Aceh also committed to continue the clarification to the community.

 “Right, indeed we really have to correct the truth and not correct the wrong,” continued Yahya.

However, he denied that the attempt to continue Jokowi’s clarification to the community was called as a form of campaign to increase Jokowi’s electability in the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election.

Even so, he denied efforts to continue Jokowi’s clarification to the community as a form of campaign to increase Jokowi’s electability in the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election.

Therefore, with the close relationship between Jokowi and the Ulama, it certainly clearly dismissed the notion of hoaxes such as Jokowi’s anti-Islam or Jokowi to criminalize Ulama.

) * The author is a Contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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