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KAHMI Bogor: Need to Take Care of Differences to Make a Strong and United Indonesia


BOGOR – Secretary of KAHMI in Bogor City, Dr. Doni Yusri stated that after the 2019 Election constellation was completed, the next was how to treat differences in choice into a forum in Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

The reason is to forget the differences instead against nature will be more especially in the context of Bhinneka Tunggal Indonesia where there are ethnic differences in religious culture and it needs to be treated.

“So if it has been treated, it must be maintained to be strong, that is the meaning of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in my opinion, so we need to take care of differences for a strong Indonesia,” Yusril said in a discussion in Bogor City, Monday (07/29/2019).

Therefore the SP3S IPB researcher said that after the 2019 Election there was still a need for political education. Especially with the rampant circulation of hoaxes that do not educate.

Responding to hoaks said Yursi how the formulation filtered news that was not good and not true and could not be accounted for.

“It’s easy for us to read that if the hoax is not shared or shared, even if there is no source, it doesn’t need to be read, but the important role of the media is also to counteract the hoax,” he said.

In the same place as the Chairman of the FKUB in Bogor City, Chatib Malik agreed that there needs to be political education from all parties.

But Chatib’s most important word is political awareness. Like playing a lottery, one plate belongs to someone else does not.

“It’s only natural now that we are still looking for identity because there is still a remnant of feudalism. Then we need to be politically aware,” he said.

According to him with a good political awareness, it will not be affected by hoaxes.

“To ward off hoaks the solution is tabbayun or check and check and this is recommended by religion,” he said. []

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