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KAMI existence was rejected by society


A number of government activists reject the existence of the Action Coalition to Save Indonesia. This movement is considered to only provoke the community and drain the energy of residents who are currently focused on dealing with Covid-19.
The Action Coalition to Save Indonesia seems to have received resistance from various regions. As in Kendal Regency, the Kendal Youth Alliance expressly states its rejection of all forms of provocation through the WE Declaration. By holding a theatrical action at the Kendal Chlorophyll Forest yard, Thursday (10/09/2020) night.
The chief executive of Aiasni Pemuda Kendal’s theatrical activities, Kelana Siwi Kristyaningtas said, as a youth representing the Kendal community, he would like to thank the government for dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic that is hitting this nation.
It was said that he, who represented the Kendal people, felt unwilling if during the struggle against the corona virus panemic, there were a group of people or organizations that undermined the sense of unity and unity of the Indonesian nation.
Kelana stated, we all are not willing if during the struggle against the Covid-19 pandemic there are a group of people, individuals or organizations that undermine the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.
According to Kelana, the Indonesian people, especially in Central Java, are safe, peaceful and the citizens of Kendal Regency do not need and do not agree with what has been declared by US.
He hopes that the arts theater event held tonight can further strengthen the sense of unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The theater arts activity, which was attended by dozens of youths from the Kendal Youth Alliance, ran safely and smoothly by implementing health protocols implemented by the government.
On the same occasion, Central Java province, dozens of youths in Boyolalu who called themselves the Community Caring for Boyolali (MPB) held a peaceful demonstration in the South Square area of ​​the Boyolali Regency Government Complex. Their action is a form of rejection of US.
Agus Priyanto as the Action Coordinator stated that his party refused OUR’s existence to stand in Boyolali, considering that the MPB was not in line with what WE heard.
He emphasized that WE should not declare itself in Boyolali which is already conducive. Boyolali does not need US because it will only affect the conducive atmosphere that has been maintained so far.
Thus the MPB invites all parties to continue to maintain a conducive atmosphere. Especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which is still spreading today.
The existing energy will be more useful if used together by the government to fight Covid-19 so that the virus can immediately disappear from Indonesia’s soil.
The action started around 09.30 to 11.00 WIB. A number of police were seen escorting the event which was attended by dozens of activists who stood in line to keep their distance along Jalan Merdeka Timur, distributing masks to passing road users. While distributing masks, the protest participants also reminded road users to continue to comply with health protocols announced by the government.
During the action. They unfurled a banner containing 3 things. Namely Reject US in Boyolali, Reject Provocation efforts against the Boyolali people and an invitation to work together with the Boyolali Regency Government in fighting Covid-19.
At the same location, the Head of Kesbangpol Boyolali, Suratno, said that he did not question community actions that were held peacefully and strictly applied health protocols. As for the existence of US itself, according to Suratno, until now, it has not been registered in Boyolali.
A similar event was also organized by a group calling itself the Wonogiri Concerned Community Alliance (AMPW), the action which was held in front of the Wonogiri DPRD building aimed at denying US entry to Wonogiri.
They gave speeches carrying writings and a banner, one of which said Wonogiri does not need the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE) #SaveWonogiri.
In the atmosphere of the audience, they also asked us not to have US on Bumi Wonogiri. Therefore, they asked the government to take preventive steps as early as possible regarding the presence of KAMI seeds in Wonogiri. This is also manifested in a letter given to President Joko Widodo.
This activity was also appreciated by Setyo Sukarno as Chairman of the Wonogiri DPRD, because he had conveyed his aspirations. He will also forward the letter to President Jokowi.
No matter what form it will take, WE are still considered a movement that has the potential to destroy unity in Indonesia.
Ahmad Bustomi, the author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Student

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