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Kendari City gets Regional Incentive Fund

39,7 Billion Belongs to The Government of City of Kendari
39,7 Billion Belongs to The Government of City of Kendari

By : Syam *)

Successful and awarded as the city of achievement, government of the city of Kendari gets Regional Incentive Fund (DID) bonus amounting to Rp 39.7 billion from the Ministry of Finance. The Head of Jakarta Financial Management Agency (BPKAD) Kendari Fatmawati Faqih, said bonuses in Kendari city received in the form of funds transfer, directly into the local treasury incorporated in the Regional Budget (APBD) 2016.

“The award that we can have thanks to the strong commitment Mr. Mayor, Mr. Deputy Mayor, DPRD also supports, pack Secretary who has always supported, the head of the inspectorate responsive follow-up record of the CPC, All SKPD which also has a strong commitment, which is important also mentoring BPKP very helpful and always giving advice and direction on our duty ” clear Fatmawati.

According to the use of bonus funds are left entirely to the respective heads of regions to use. Fatma said in Kendari city, the government has prepared for the development of infrastructure in 2016. He added that to maximize the performance of financial management, the city government also continues to improve the quality of human resources by providing training, especially in 2016 are already using accrual accounting system.

*) Sulawesi Regional Contributor.


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