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KIP Lecture, Education Light of Indonesia Children


By: Arjuna Wiwaha *

Presidential candidate number 01, Joko Widodo, stated the reason for launching the Indonesia Smart Lecture Card program. He admitted that he came from a poor family, born on the edge of the river. Jokowi feels right that his family feels sad when he can’t send himself to school.

Jokowi said that he was grateful to be facilitated by God to be able to go to school until he continued his studies. From that experience, the former mayor of Solo did not want any children in Indonesia who could not go to college just because they were constrained by costs. “Then we issue the KIP Kuliah,” he said.

According to Jokowi, the College KIP is a continuation of the ongoing KIP program. So far, KIP is only given to elementary, middle, high school or vocational school children. For elementary school students and equals get assistance of Rp. 450 thousand per year, junior high school and equivalent to Rp. 750 per know and high school level of Rp. 1 million per year.

From 2015 to August 2018, the government has distributed Rp. 35.7 trillion to 27.9 million KIP recipient students throughout the country. The plan, KIP Lecture will be given to millions of prospective students in Indonesia in 2020. However, Jokowi still calculates the exact number of KIP Lectures that can be given to children from poor families.

With the KIP Kuliah, Jokowi hopes that children will have a strong desire to continue their education to a higher level. Because, high education is expected to be able to produce quality human resources in order to compete with other countries.

Separately, Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohammad Nasir revealed, the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) program would be valid in 2020.

“In a cabinet meeting, the president explained his work program later. Infrastructure funds will be shifted massively to increasing human resources, “Nasir said after the inauguration of university leaders in the Kemenristekdikti environment.

Even though he can’t explain what KIP is like, according to the former Chancellor of UNDIP, the model will be like the Bidikmisi scholarship program. So that students who are not accommodated in Bidik Misi, affirmation of higher education (Adik) are included in the KIP lecture.

“Will be discussed in detail. Is this KIP lecture included in the PPA (Academic Achievement Improvement) program. The assessment is every six months or once a month. If Bidikmisi and Adik are every month. Well, the lecture KIP will be seen whether it is in or different, “he explained.

He added, the KIP lectures will be adjusted to the wishes of students. Meanwhile S2 and S3 are in accordance with the government’s wishes because they use the LPDP (Educational Fund Management Institution).

“In principle, the KIP of this lecture is leaning towards vocational majors because the president wants his graduates to be able to work immediately. Moreover, only 10 percent of poor children can go to college, with KIP lectures there will be more children going to college. God willing, 2020 applies, “he concluded.

KIP Kuliah is prioritized for vocational education. The Minister of Technology Research (Menristekdikti) added that his party was preparing the most appropriate scheme for lecture KIP to be implemented in 2020. Spokesperson for Jokowi – Ma’ruf National Campaign Team (TKN), Ace Hasan said that KIP lectures were different from the Bidikmisi program.

“This is a new policy, this is different. Bidikmisi is an educational scholarship for outstanding students. If this is KIP Kuliah, every low-income citizen wants to go to college but has no fees, “Ace said

He added, the KIP Lecture program to be launched by Jokowi is proof of the country’s presence to help its citizens obtain the right to education to college.

“The state is there to help them. So that they have the same access to higher education, “continued the Golkar politician.

With the KIP lecture, in addition to increasing HR competitiveness, it is expected that there will be more numbers of Bachelors in Building Villages, so that the existence of Bachelor in the Village can develop the potential in the village and improve the economy of the community to be more prosperous.

This program is in line with the statement of the Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDT) Eko Putro Sandjojo, who explained the importance of the role of youth in developing villages. The reason is, a village will progress if its young generation is given freedom, especially in the field of developing creative economy. If the young man gets a qualified education in the tertiary level, certainly the development in the village will be more optimal. So that the development of human resources among young people to be able to get a higher education level, of course we deserve appreciation.

Eko explained that currently Indonesia is ranked 16th in the world economy and in 2050 it is predicted to shift to the top 5 in the world. This will happen if the young people are freed to be creative in the development of villages. Development in the village is not only from the facilities sector, but human resources must also be built so as to create a empowered village community.

With the presence of KIP lectures later, it is expected that young people from the main villages of the underprivileged can gain knowledge and experience so that later they can be applied directly in their villages, so academics from the periphery are expected to be born.

* The author is a student at the University of Indonesia

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