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Library of Barito Utara achieved award from Cocal Cola


By: Choirul Fuadi *)

Office of library and archive of Barito Utara regency, Central Kalimantan province achieved award from Coca Cola foundation which is partner in accelerate people economic development.

Office of library and archive of Barito Utara regency become one of the libraries that has program fun library and induce the people’s interest. Library has function as source and centre of information, also in people involvement.

Regent of Barito Utara, Nadalsyah said that Office of library and archive of Barito Utara regency represent for Central Kalimantan province as the best library from Coca Cola foundation criteria and compete with another library in Java.

Nadalsyah explain that in every week, the Office of library and archive do some activities, such English course, IT learning system, needling and tailor, and etc.

Today, in the Office of library and archive many people visit it, starting from children till adult, and then the party makes schedule for people.

Besides that, many people of Barito Utara from middle to down succeed accelerate their economic because they study and read in library.

In the next program, the Office of library and archive has plant to do village library where the Office of library and archive will teach directly people and giving material till practice.

*) Indonesia’s Political Observer

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