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Making Radicalism as a Common Enemy


By: Rangga Septembedino) *
Radicalism is still a major threat that needs to be watched out for. Elimination of Radical Civil Society Organizations such as HTI does not make radical understanding disappear from the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, because the ideology still resides in his thoughts. It is fitting that the Government and the community continue to work together to eradicate the anti-Pancasila ideology.
There are a number of factors that make the roots of radical understanding still continue to develop in Indonesia. The first factor is developments at the global level, where radical groups make the situation in the Middle East an inspiration to take up arms and acts of terror, such as in Syria, Iraq and Palestine.
Radicalism is a concept that wants to change the basis and ideology of the state by breaking the rules, then damaging the new generation of thinking.
The next factor is related to the spread of Wahhabism which glorifies conservative Arabic-style Islamic culture. In relation to radicalism, Wahhabism is considered not just flow, thought or ideology, but mentality. Where one of the characteristics is that they easily say people outside their group are infidels, enemies and must be fought.
Wahhabism sympathizers campaign for the theology of monotheism, with the view that immoral people are considered to be out of Islam. In addition, they are very fond of confronting groups outside them. The narrowness that they assume is not Islam means the enemy.
The enemy has already meant heresy and it must be brushed. In addition, they also justify all means by force, using the pretext of evil forehead to a trivial little thing. They even denounced the Muslims who wish them a Merry Christmas.
Next is the poverty factor, although this does not directly influence the spread of radical action. The main thing that is likely to make the link between poverty and radicalism is the feeling of being marginalized.
On different occasions the Special Anti-Terrorism Detachment Team 88 Anti-Terror often conducts arrests and searches of suspected terrorist homes in West Java.
This certainly becomes a big question in the minds of the public. Because the people of West Java are identical in their hospitality and politeness.
West Java MUI Secretary, Rafani Achyar said, terrorism in West Java is closely related to radicalism. It also considers that West Java is fertile ground for religious radicalism groups. In fact, Rafani mentions West Java as one of the areas in the red zone radicalism category.
Rafani explained, there are three stages that must be taken by someone before becoming or involved in terrorism networks. First a person has a low religious knowledge, then follows a false religious study or study that understands religion textually, and is far from the concept of peaceful and tolerant Islamic teachings.
In this phase, it usually involves young people who have high religious enthusiasm but are wrong in choosing studies or unscrupulous religious teachers who are followed.
He continued, Rafani said after a person became intolerant, he began to enter the phase of radicalism and groups or exclude himself by being reluctant to socialize with other community groups.
In this phase, someone who has been exposed to radicalism is reluctant to accept the truth from other groups. In fact, it tends to be easier to blame others to disbelieve others who disagree with it.
After going through an intolerant and radical phase, then a person can get entangled in a circle of terrorism. In this last phase, usually someone who has been bailed out by terrorist groups or networks does not hesitate to kill and persecute other groups. Especially groups that have an understanding across from him.
Previously, Eri Sofyan as the initiator of the University of Indonesia Alumni Defending Country Forum (BARA UI) mentioned that the threat of radicalism ideology is moving in two ways, namely the hard power method and the soft power method.
The hard power method appears in the form of violence. Like terror, thuggery and the like. The hard power method is certainly relatively easy to overcome by the Police, TNI or BNPT. But it is precisely what has to be of concern to the public is the soft power method, like brainwashing.
Eri said that brainwashing was not only successful at the grassroots, but also aimed at higher targets.
Given these facts, of course we must become immune to ourselves so as not to be easily influenced by radical understanding.

*) The author is a social political observer

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