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Ministry of Agriculture Simplifies Investment by Launching Online Licensing


CIDISS. The Digital Era world cannot be separated from increasingly dense human activities, as well as the Ministry of Agriculture, through the online licensing system, the Ministry of Agriculture is facilitating the licensing system in the agricultural and plantation sectors, one of which is through a management system based on agricultural licensing services. electronic. This system can shorten service time more transparent and accountable.

The Head of the Center for Plant Variety and Licensing of Kemtan Erizal Jamal explained that the transparent management of the licensing system is the focus of the Ministry of Agriculture’s current improvement, this system is integrated with the Online Single Submission (OSS) licensing system that has been connected with cross Ministries and Institutions, as well as the local government and the Coordinating Agency Investment (BKPM). “This OSS system facilitates licensing and provides certainty to business actors because it can be monitored,” he said at the Agricultural Journalists Forum (Forwatan), Wednesday (10/17).

Erizal added that during 2015-2017 the Ministry of Agriculture has provided assistance to 31 companies that will invest in agriculture, especially sugar cane, corn, rice, and cattle, so with this OSS the process becomes more accurate and there is certainty for businesses.

Fadhil Hasan, Director of Asian Agri, said that this integrated online licensing system could improve easy doing business (EODB) in the Indonesian Agriculture sector, focusing on the investment policy of the Agriculture sector should BKPM begin to increase the portion of the Agriculture sector in foreign and domestic investment. because the life of the investment itself is a licensing system, by getting easier and more transparent, can help in operations, the faster the management of permits, it will affect the Company’s cash flow and the social impacts that are increasingly realized.

By:Rikky Rosadi *)

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