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Money Politic


CIDISS. One of the most feared in the election of regional heads simultaneously is the practice of money politics. Money politics, if it occurs massively, will affect the objectivity of voters. As a result, local leaders born out of this process are not the best choice, but the most poured funds to buy votes. Money politics will degrade the quality of democracy.

At a glance, money politics is to buy a supporting voice with money or goods. Nevertheless, money politics is not an effective way to buy votes. This is because it is difficult to ensure that prospective voters will choose the candidate who gives the money. However, it can not be denied that this way is capable of influencing the character and preference of one’s candidate selection.

Keep in mind that politics is not an easy way. In doing so, candidates can not directly give the money to potential voters and will use intermediaries. Thus, the money-givers also can not control the prospective voters to vote.

This long and tedious process gives an understanding that money politics practice is not sufficiently easy to influence the support map in elections or elections. Indonesian people who are getting smarter and bright young generation will not be able to be provoked by any thing in determining the candidate of choice. This is because they are able to judge for themselves ready candidate leaders who are able to bring positive changes as long as he occupied his position.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

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