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Mosque Politicization, An Unnecessary Polemic


By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

The politicization of the mosque is defined by some as a movement that uses mosques as a place to channel their aspirations regarding power. Generally, aspirations through mosque politics are regarded as anti-government movements. Something that since the old order government until now, has been quite worrying about the government in power, because Muslims in Indonesia are quite large in number with diverse cultures. The biggest concern is that Muslims are divided.

The politicization of the mosque is carried out by religious leaders or ulama in Islam who are considered influential in society. This character, usually has certain followers who are quite fanatical. So that whatever is said is like a command to his followers. Meanwhile, in a mosque which in fact is a place of worship for Muslims, of course there are other groups that may be opposite.

The polemic about the politicization of mosques is increasingly crowded ahead of the 2019 Presidential election. This religious lecture is considered to have a major influence when the election of the Regional Head, Governor of DKI Jakarta, which Anies Baswedan won. Many people fear that the same activities will be carried out during the presidential election. A conversation that is actually quite sensitive, especially if it touches on the discourse about homogenizing lectures and Friday sermons in mosques throughout Indonesia that had circulated.

According to Rumadi Ahmad, Chair of the Nahdhatul Ulama Institute for Human Resource Studies and Development, which was reported by BBC News, in April last year, the mosque was a private space for the community and religious followers. There is no need for regulation and uniformity of lectures, because they should have been managed by existing organizations, such as NU and Muhamadiyah.

Although in the end there was never a law that regulated lectures and sermons in mosques, the concern about the politicization of mosques did not subside. Moreover, a well-known Muhamadiyah figure, Amin Rais, once made a statement that politicization was absolutely necessary. The statement said when attending the Tasyakuran Ustadz Peduli Negeri in DKI Jakarta City Hall, also around April last year, suddenly made many people angry and shocked.

Indirectly, Amien Rais asked the ustadzah present to deliver to his followers, in the recitation, to support certain candidate pairs. On another occasion, Amin gave the reason that in Islam, everything in the world must be endeavored. Education, economy, power, etc. for the world. In the hereafter, Muslims just pick it. So, everything must be worked on, like Amien’s quotation based on the Qur’an of Ar Ra’d verse 11, Allah will not change the destiny of a people if the people do not change it themselves.

In contrast to Amien Rais, Guntur Romli, a prominent figure in the NU young intellectuals as well as a new party member, the Indonesian Solidarity Party, strongly disagrees with the need to convey matters of power in the mosque. That is, Guntur thinks that mosques are places of worship and religious studies outside of power. According to Guntur again, the politicization of the mosque with the ulamas involved was a tool for manipulating power. Ulama are manipulated to support certain parties, especially those that conflict with the government. This will endanger and certainly divide the nation.

As a lay community, how do we react? Looks like there are two red threads here. First, politicization of mosques for personal and group interests and politicization of mosques to foster public political awareness.

The first common thread, the politicization of the mosque that might be called by Guntur Ramli above. Something that can cause conflict and divide Muslims. Looking ahead can divide the Indonesian nation.

Examples of this are many in other countries. For example, in Syria where one religious group attacks a mosque which is considered a different view of certain powers.

A slightly different case occurred in Sudan. Sudan is hit by riots about President Omar al Bashir who has ruled there for 30 years. The mob attacked a cleric at the Khatim al Mursaleen Mosque in Sudan in early January 2019. The religious leader Abdul Hai Yousuf was attacked by the masses because he was considered to be on the side of the government. Instead, the attacking masses demanded that Yousuf fight together and lead them from the mosque.

It is right what is done by the KPU and Bawaslu ahead of the 2019 presidential election. In Law Number 7 of 2017, it is stated that campaigns should not be carried out in mosques and places of education. This mediates all conflicts that occur regarding the politicization of mosques.

The second common thread, the politicization of mosques, is called by a figure, Kapitra Ampera. Kapitra agrees with Amien Rais that Islam and politics are inseparable. Islam is a whole religion. Politics and power that will determine the fate of the people in the future, such as diversity, economy and education.

Furthermore, Kapitra often explained that when the holders of power are people who are against the will of the people as a whole, the nation is also destroyed. Religion, religion, economy and education will slowly fall.

Nevertheless, there are differences of opinion between him and Amien Rais. Kapitra Ampera disagrees with the politicization of mosques that divide people, open up someone’s disgrace, and even slander their opponents. He called it a political ulama or figure that was too excessive. In Islamic teachings it is not taught to drop each other for the sake of power by slandering.

Based on this, although not representing all Muslims, the politicization of mosques is needed in order to generate political awareness. Give understanding, for example that the right to vote is in the hands of the people in the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election and Pileg. Ulama invite the people to choose their own conscience, religion, and beliefs. This is important, do not let the election results do not meet the expectations of the people because many people choose Golput.

) * The author is a Social Political Observer

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