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Mosques Exposed to Radicalism, Really?


By: Raditya Rahman) *

The National Counter Terrorism Agency or BNPT has conducted verification regarding the findings of the Pesantren and Community Development Association (P3M) about 41 mosques in government offices exposed to radicalism.

BNPT has deployed a team to verify the findings by looking at the field conditions in the mosques. In addition, the team from P3M has also studied the indicators used by the P3M.

P3M had previously found 41 mosques in the ministries and BUMNs exposed to radicalism. The survey was conducted on sermon activities delivered by several lecturers at the mosque.

The study was conducted at 35 mosques in the ministry, 37 mosques in state-owned enterprises and 28 mosques in state institutions. The study was conducted by recording audio and video Friday sermons during that period.

P3M researcher, Agus Setia Budi, said that the topic of radical content was the most in the mosques concerned with hate speech, which amounted to 73.6%. Apart from hate speech, these topics are positive attitudes towards the khilafah, negative attitudes towards minorities, negative attitudes towards other religions, negative attitudes towards female leaders, and hatred towards minorities.

Negative attitudes towards other religions became the second highest radical content with a percentage of 21.17%. As for other topics such as positive attitudes towards khilafah at 18.15%, negative attitudes towards minorities 7.6%, minority hatred 2.1% and negative attitudes towards female leaders 1.1 percent.

According to Agus, several topics of lectures delivered at these mosques, such as provocations of infidels attacking Muslims, provocations of Islamic conspiracies were attacked by various forces and provocations that Muslims were hostile and fought. Other hate speeches are also like insulting infidels, insulting people who do not believe in Allah and insulting those who are pilgrims to the grave.

The State Intelligence Agency or BIN previously approached and monitored dozens of preachers who had the potential to spread radicalism. Approaches and supervision were carried out after the discovery of 41 mosques in the government offices that were exposed to the understanding.

Counseling of takmir was considered important, the reason being that takmir could choose a speaker who did not spread provocation of radicalism. So it is important for takmir mosques to have religious literacy when they want to invite lecturers.

Following up on this matter, the Ministry of Religion also made the issue of radicalism the focus of the government. This is because one of the visions of the minister of Religion Lukman Hakim Saifuddin to overcome radicalism is the principle of religious moderation.

BIN spokesman Wawan Hari Purwanto, said that until now the agency was still intensively empowering the lecturers to no longer convey radicalism. The training starts from the approach to literacy so that the lectures delivered contain messages or soothing content.

BIN has also coordinated with related institutions and organizations, such as the Ministry of Religion, the Indonesian Ulema Council to the Indonesian Mosque Council in empowering and fostering the management of mosques and dozens of lecturers exposed to radicalism.

Henry also mentioned that the spread of radicalism content was divided into three categories. Starting from the low category for content that can still be tolerated, the medium category for content that must be addressed is up to the high category for content that already contains lectures smelling war or encouraging movement towards ISIS.

Until now, BIN is still doing intensive empowerment until the lecturers no longer deliver lectures that contain elements of radicalism.

In this case, of course, what should be highlighted is the material of the lecture, the community should also be more careful if there are lectures that have a provocation or an invitation to be positive towards the khilafah and intolerance towards non-Muslims.

From the results of these studies, the existence of mosques in ministries and BUMNs must be protected from the spread of radicalism, including the expression of hatred towards certain circles.

Early preventive efforts also need to be sought to prevent the spread of radicalism in mosques – mosques. One of them is empowering preachers / Da’i to be able to give lectures that soothe and fight radical notions in society.

The simplest criteria for choosing dai are those who are not allergic to differences. This category can be used as one of the most important elements to filter out the speakers, so that the khutbag does not turn into an oration that sows the seeds of intolerance, or provocation of hatred.

In essence the sermon is conveying advice and teaching goodness to the Muslims. Inviting Muslims to apply the teachings of religion that are friendly and full of wisdom. Not a religion that teaches division. Conveying exemplary practices made by the Prophet, friends and previous Ulama or preaching the wisdom of the heirs of religion in their daily lives.

If there are places of worship such as mosques that have been indicated by people who understand that are not in accordance with the NKRI, concrete steps must be taken to minimize the negative impact. It starts with an approach to these groups and provides an understanding of their mistakes in understanding religious texts.

Takmir of the mosque should also provide rules for preachers, for example, what can be said and forbidden to do. So that the sermon carried out is truly effective in teaching Islam which is rahmatan lil amin alamin.

Da’wah is positively charged and delivered politely, certainly an alternative that needs to be optimized by government mosques. Intergovernmental cooperation. Cooperation between government and moderate Islamic organizations also needs to be harmonized, so that the struggle to fight mosque-based radicalism can be strengthened.

) * The Author is a Social Political Observer

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