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Moya Institute Discussion, Experts Remind the Importance of Leaders Who Can Make Indonesia Gold


JAKARTA — On the occasion of a discussion organized by the Moya Institute, the General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah, Prof. Abdul Mu’ti explained that there are four important things to be able to help achieve Indonesia Gold 2045.

The first is regarding political sovereignty which allows this nation to determine its own destiny in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution.

Then the second point is the existence of territorial sovereignty for the sake of optimizing all that is contained in the Motherland.

Third, there must be cultural sovereignty that is able to show that Indonesia does have unique characteristics and unique characteristics as a nation.

The fourth point is regarding sovereignty in the international position to be able to make this nation able to take part in creating world peace.

So, in the realization of all these sovereignty, according to Prof. Abdul Mu’ti is important to have qualified human resources.

“In order for these four sovereignty to become the foundation towards Golden Indonesia 2045, the supporting strength lies in human resources (HR),” he said.

Furthermore, in an effort to create quality human resources, the number of educated population must be increased, then the economy must become resilient and there must be visionary leaders.

Thus, all new government programs in the future must indeed be able to carry out sustainability.

“For this reason, the new government’s program must be sustainable, not changed and started from zero again,” he added.

On the same occasion, Observer on Strategic and Global Issues, Prof. Imron Cotan said that to realize Golden Indonesia 2045 there must also be good national unity amidst global and domestic challenges.

For him, the ideal leader in the upcoming 2024 elections is a figure who can bring national unity.

“The leader must be able to build a national consensus and ensure that the entire Indonesian nation becomes part of the effort to achieve Indonesia Gold 2045,” said Prof. Imron Cotan.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Hikmahanto Juwana also has hopes for the nation’s future leaders to continue to inflame the spirit and perspective that Indonesia is a super power country.

In order to make Indonesia a super power, the next leader must firmly reject any foreign intervention that seeks to control the country.

“In order to achieve this desire, whoever the presidential candidate has been determined by the KPU needs to have a commitment to reject foreign intervention that seeks to control us,” said Hikmahanto.

Furthermore, Reform Politician Fahri Hamzah also emphasized that the nation’s future leaders must be able to continue President Jokowi’s entire development program so that there is sustainability.

Not only that, but he also had to put Indonesia in an international perspective.

“This country is designed to become a global player,” said Fahri.

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