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Mutual interpret quipped between Jokowi and SBY

discussions between Jokowi and SBY
discussions between Jokowi and SBY

By: Achmad Irfandi *)

 Jakarta, CIDISS – Criticism Former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono addressed to President Joko Widodo and visit the President to the stalled project in Hambalang, are two events that cannot be separated. Both are rated to contain high levels of political symbols. If these events into a warm discussion in society, then what about the meaning of these events in the viewpoint of the people of Indonesia.

Political observers Civil Circle Indonesia (LIMA) Ray Rangkuti argues, these two political events like rhyme mutually unrequited-replies. SBY criticism directly answered by Jokowi Jokowi in a way quite come to Hambalang. Interestingly, reply-reply ‘rhyme’ is performed by two political figures who have different characters. SBY has a happy character put forward ideas and views to the public, rewarded by Jokowi who does not really like to talk and have a ‘style’ work, work, work.

Earlier in the series Tour de Java, Yudhoyono said that the government should not drain the budget in the infrastructure sector. Moreover, the economic condition of the country is weak. Taxpayers do not increased too especially when the economy is tough, then the company could go bankrupt and are difficult more difficult. The economy is sluggish, the tax must be fitted. I understand that we need to build infrastructure. Docks, roads, I also agreed. But if spending as much as possible from where, apart from the tax as much as possible. Though the economy is sluggish. SBY also asked the government to postpone reduce infrastructure spending to be done in the coming year.

Events teased each other between the former President of Indonesia, SBY with the President today, Jokowi, won’t lead to political turmoil in Indonesia. However, the event was quite an impact to the insecurity associated positive and negative image in the Indonesia’s population community perspective. We as a society view these events certainly do not expect if there is continuity between the action of state officials quipped that can cause a variety of opinions in society.

Seeing the action of an official quipped our country, the people of Indonesia are expected to give a positive meaning in connection with it and did not succumb to provocation posed by some unscrupulous media. If the mega development projects Hambalang sports areas will be followed by Jokowi government today, we hope it will create opinion that this effort is a concern for President Jokowi against human achievements in the field of sports to bring the good name of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. Same thing with suggestions from SBY submitted to the government of Jokowi, assuming that effort SBY is a concern of the current government with respect to economic and political problems that are happening in Indonesia. Let’s build Indonesia with optimism. Spirit! [AI]

*) Political Economy Observer of Indonesia

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