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Netizen Must Unite Against the Hoax To Make a 2019 Peaceful and Dignified Election


By: Muhammad Rianto) *

Lately there has been a lot of fake information and news appearing or better known as hoaks in cyberspace that is raised by a number of irresponsible individuals who have certain interests. If you are not careful, then we will easily be consumed by hoax tricks and even contribute to spreading false information, which of course is very detrimental to the victims of slander. Moreover, ahead of the democratic party that will be held next month.

If we are not united in fighting false or hoax news, the possibility of this 2019 election will not run with quality and dignity. Of course we do not want this democratic party held for five years to run unfavorably. Therefore, we as Millennials who are the next generation of this country must unite in combating the spread of false information in cyberspace.

If we do not intervene and help the government in fighting hoax news, it is feared that this country will eventually be led by a leader who does not fail to prioritize his people and not keep his promises.

When we have united to fight the news of hoaxes that are scattered in the gadgets that are in our hands, we can realize the 2019 elections that are fair, honest and dignified.

Thus the process of national leadership sustainability will run well and wisely to ensure the sustainability of national development towards a more advanced and good Indonesia

) * Residents of Tegaldowo Rembang, Central Java

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