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Omnibus Law Able to Accelerate Nation’s Progress


By: Dhika Permadi) *
The government is trying to summarize the existing regulations through the Omnibus Law scheme. The overlapping regulation trimming is believed to be able to bring the economy better and the nation’s progress can be realized immediately.

Currently the government is building an atmosphere so that Indonesia can become an investment-friendly country, investment in Indonesia will certainly further advance the nation and also absorb labor.

The formulation of the omnibus law is a sizable PR for the Government. The effectiveness of the omnibus law in boosting investment flow depends on how quickly and comprehensively the unification of the dozens of laws.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani hopes that Omnibus Law can lure investors to enter the capital market. This is based on the many incentives that can be a stimulus for investors in the capital market later.

One of the important pillars in achieving the big vision of Indonesia in the coming 2045 is ensuring various strategic steps in preparing to bring investment into Indonesia, this is necessary because investment plays a role in opening the widest possible employment.

This is certainly one of the focuses of the government in creating ecosystems that support the development of a conducive investment climate.

The development of a conducive investment climate with legal certainty is a very important point in the success of development acceleration, especially in terms of creating investment ease to sustain national economic growth.

Historically, the practice of implementing the Omnibus Law has been widely applied in countries that adopt a common law system that aims to improve regulations in order to improve the climate and investment competitiveness.

In order to create a big leap towards advanced Indonesia, President Joko Widodo has focused the direction of development on accelerating economic growth in order to realize the transformation of the national economy from dependence on natural resources towards increasing the competitiveness of modern manufacturing and services that have high added value for the prosperity of the Indonesian people.

This certainly demands an accelerated development of investigations so that industrialization and economic transformation by prioritizing added value can be enjoyed by all Indonesians.

With the Omnibus Law it is expected to become a big leap and breakthrough in seeking a conducive investment climate, so that hyper-regulation which has been an obstacle to investment entry is expected to be minimized, so that economic growth in Indonesia can increase.

If later the Omnibus Law has been ratified, of course there will be an ease in the licensing process with the integration of more dynamic laws so that it is positively correlated in increasing investment attractiveness and as a catalyst for driving the national economy.

In realizing the vision of an advanced Indonesia in 2045, it must be supported by a new breakthrough in the effort to grow the economy by moving new productive sectors, where one of the keys is to accelerate the pace of investment as the main capital driving the national economy.

The omnibus law scheme is also expected to be an innovative breakthrough in the efforts of debureaucratization and deregulation in accordance with President Jokowi’s direction as well as being a crucial momentum in breaking down the pace of national investment because the application of the Omnibus Law will be able to lead to job creation which is substance in creating investment ecosystem conducive to strengthening the economy by job creation and expansion.

In addition, the Omnibus Law also supports the improvement of the investment ecosystem and the ease for MSMEs, one of which is the convenience if you want to apply for halal certification.

We certainly hope that the completion of the design and discussion of the omnibus law can run smoothly in accordance with the targeted deadline, so that its implementation can bring benefits to guarantee the movement of economic growth.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution claims the application of the omnibus law or regulation which combines a number of rules into one law as a new legal umbrella related to investment licensing has entered its final stage. Now the application of the policy is just waiting to be approved by President Joko Widodo.

After the omnibus law is completed, all authority related to investment licensing will be granted by the President through a Presidential Regulation (Perpres).

The application of the omnibus law is also expected to support national development priorities and will increasingly synergize various ministries and institutions as well as local governments and other stakeholders to collaborate with each other for the progress of the nation.

With the existence of the omnibus law, it is not impossible that Indonesia will experience rapid progress, SMEs will also be increasingly facilitated when they want to take care of licensing and investors are not overshadowed by inefficient regulations.

) * The author is a social political observer

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