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Omnibus Law Adequate to Boost Economic Growth


The government and the Parliament continue to work on the Omnibus Law Bill. The regulation simplification scheme is a bold innovation of the Government in simplifying the chaos of regulations that hinder investment. The realization of the Omnibus Law is believed to be able to boost national economic growth amid global economic uncertainty.

Plans for implementing the Omnibus Law continue to be supported. Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Representative Council (DPD), Nono Sampono, for example, supports the government’s efforts in drafting an omnibus law to resolve the overlapping problem of a number of local laws and regulations (Perda).

Nono said that with the realization of the omnibus law, a number of overlapping regulations and even conflicts with the law could be removed so as not to hamper the development process.

He also considered that the existence of the omnibus law would also synchronize all legislation with regulations. So that in the future Nono feels optimistic that the omnibus law will be the liaison between the central government and regional governments in making laws and regulations.

The DPD will also play an active role in the process of drafting legislation related to the regions in accordance with the constitutional corridor of Article 22D of the 1945 Constitution. This includes proposing the DPD Proposed Initiative Bill which will be further discussed at subsequent meetings.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD said that the provisions concerning labor wages were prioritized in the Draft Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright.

Moreover, the Omnibus Law policy has a goal of creating a reliable business world and opening up of employment and welfare of workers. This is also supported by the fact that the country’s economy is believed to increase by around 7 percent.

Through a variety of innovations the world of commerce will certainly open more business opportunities which can be utilized to reduce the number of unemployed young people. By suppressing unemployment, it is certain that the welfare of citizens will increase.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani hopes that Omnibus Law can lure investors to enter the capital market. This is based on the many incentives that can be a stimulus for investors in the capital market later.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD said that the provisions concerning labor wages were prioritized in the draft Omnibus Law Employment Copyright.

However, Mahfud did not specifically mention the provisions regarding wages as stipulated in the draft law.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court said, if there were things that were considered inappropriate, then he invited the workers’ group to submit them to the DPR.

He has ensured that this employment copyright omnibus is a step taken by the government to create jobs for the people and ease investment for employers.

After the recess period, the DPR will start discussions on the Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright.

Meanwhile Economic and Taxation Observer Yustinus Prastowo, stated his agreement with the existence of omnibus law. With this new regulation, it can certainly distinguish between macro and micro entrepreneurs.

The existence of omnibus law rules can be an opportunity or opportunity for SMEs, to obtain different incentives and treatments. It is intended to be able to compete, compete with larger businesses, because so far the rest of the cooperative business results are still the object of PPH.

On different occasions, Otty Hari Chandra as Chair of the Indonesian Legal Scholars Community Foundation (YKCHI) assessed the omni bus law or the simplification of regulations initiated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was urgently needed.

According to Otty, many rules that apply overlap so that the implementation is confusing.

He said, the law has a lot of old age, now millennial times. Many do not update, because it needs change. These changes can not be one-on-one but must be comprehensive.

This was in line with the Chairperson of Ikanot Undip Maryono, he considered the omnibus law policy important in presenting legal certainty in Indonesia.

According to Maryono. Omnibus law must also target regulations in the banking sector. Because this line is one of the pillars driving the nation’s economic growth.

He considered, with the improvement in this economic sector, especially in the behavioral and business sectors, it will affect economic growth.

The Omnibus Law has indeed received a lot of criticism, but we should be patient to wait for the results of studies from the government and the Parliament, however irrelevant or overlapping laws must be corrected.

Rian Sudarmaji

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