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Omnibus Law Ciptaker Opens New Job Opportunities


By: Edi Jatmiko )*

The Jokowi-Ma’ruf government has initiated the Draft Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright (Ciptaker) to increase investment. With this investment, new jobs will be opened, so that it can improve the welfare of the community.

This Work Copyright Bill is a good intention of the government to open as many jobs as possible for the people of Indonesia by creating a more comfortable and easier investment ecosystem.

This was formulated because after all, the government still has the responsibility to prepare jobs for those who have not found work.

We cannot see the Work Creation Bill in terms of the interests of workers or employees who have already gotten work. But it must also be seen that there are 7 million unemployed people who are now in dire need of work.

To that end, the government also drafted a Work Draft Bill to simplify and provide legal certainty so that a good and comfortable investment ecosystem would be created, which in turn could create new jobs.

Meanwhile, the wave of layoffs returned after Bukalapak, Krakatau Steel and NET TV, now the Indosat company also laid off 677 employees earlier this year.

The company is a large company, then what about the medium and small scale industries. Such as massive layoffs in the textile industry in several regions. So what is the fate of the employees who were laid off?

We all know that all this time if there is a layoff, the company is directly responsible for paying severance pay in accordance with their tenure. Looking ahead, in addition to severance pay, employees who do not have a job due to layoffs will also get guarantees from the government.

This is one reason because the government has submitted the Draft Employment Bill to Parliament. This bill has been included as one of the Omnobus Law, along with the Taxation Bill and the UMKM Empowerment Bill.

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan claimed that the omnibus law created by employment would benefit workers. This in between these rules will regulate a number of incentives for workers.

Luhut expressed optimism that the regulation could also create 3 million jobs each year. Thus, the number of unemployed in the country can be reduced.

According to him, the Draft Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright has now been signed by all parties. Luhut also stated that there were no more obstacles.

If the House of Representatives approves it to become a law, then this regulation is said to increase welfare and layoff guarantees for workers in Indonesia.

In the draft of the Employment Creation Bill, article 46A is written, ‘Workers / workers who are laid off are entitled to get a guarantee of losing their jobs. Job loss insurance (JKP) has been held by the Manpower Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS).

In addition, in article 46D, JKP benefits will be received by workers who have been laid off, namely in the form of Training and Certification, Cash and Placement Facilities.

So for employees affected by layoffs, the government will provide job training, pocket money for 6 months and work placement. However, this does not apply if workers or laborers are fired because of a crime.

The work copyright bill also regulates the provisions of holidays or breaks for workers. This is stated in Article 79. It is written that the rest time is between working hours, at least half an hour after working for 4 hours continuously. This break does not include working hours. Whereas weekly rest 1 day for 6 working days a week.

When seen in Law No. 13/2003 says that the weekly rest allowance can be 1 day for 6 working days or 2 days for 5 working days a week.

In addition to siding with laborers, the Working Cipta Bill will also facilitate business licensing in agriculture which previously had to pass through multiple layers of bureaucracy, from asking for recommendations from the agriculture minister first to then requesting the minister’s permission for trade. But now the process can be simplified into a business license from the central government. So there is no need to go back and forth just to deliver a business license.

Omnibus law on employment or the Work Draft Bill is a breakthrough by the government in improving labor welfare and licensing efficiency for those who want to obtain business licensing.

)* The author is a social political observer

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