Online Prostitution in Central Kalimantan

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Night life of prostitution is more glow and grown in Indonesia. Not only in real, but also now is prostitution business in online. Some moments ago, Indonesian Police has been uncovering online prostitution network in Actress.
Pimps and whore used social media to get customer. Moreover, uncover of online prostitution spread widely in some district of Indonesia, include Central Kalimantan.
Wednesday, (10/6/2015) at 22.00 WIB, central Kalimantan police has been uncovering network of online prostitution in Central Kalimantan. That is, they arrested 2 pimps and a whore.
2 pimps are “S” (men) and “Ay” (Women). They arrested in Pangkalan Bun, the capital of Kotawaringin Barat regency. Meanwhile, whore who is “Ja” (20 years), arrested when she accompanied his customer in the hotel in Palangka Raya.
This network is online prostitution network on Palangka Raya – Pangkalan Bun.
Chief of Central Kalimantan Police, Bambang Hermanu said that they used electronic devices and send picture messages which containing the face of whore.
“The Modus used electronic device. Then, they sent a messages, and arising pictures of whore,” said Bambang Hermanu, accompanying Director of Detective of Special Crime (Direskrimsus), Kombes Anton Sasonodi, in Palangka Raya, like quote in Boneo News, Friday (12/6/2015).
In the uncover of online prostitution, Police confiscate some goods as proof, that is 4 phones, 2 condoms, 2 bags, account book, some money and ladies clothes.
“Uncover of online prostitution started from information by people. Then Police made observant and trace who is include inside till uncover in that night,” said Bambang proudly.
Moreover, He added about price in one transaction, about IDR 1,5 million – 2,5 Million. Meanwhile, price depends on how beautiful of whore of them for booking.
Pimps admitted they have done 6 months on this business. They also stated that there are more 12 pimps outside. Now, police trace them.
In other side, Police of Central Kalimantan is very serious to uncover online prostitution. Through Ditreskrimsus, Police of Central Kalimantan made 4 teams by 20 police members.
“So, (the team is) in Pangkalan Bun and also Palangka Raya,” Said Director of Detective of Special Crime (Direskrimsus), Kombes Anton Sasono.
But, in this case, police only punish the pimps without punish the whore, with chapter 45 junto Chapter 27 Verse 1 Law (UU) No 11/2008 about Information and Electronic Transaction (ITE).
“There is not law yet to punish the whore,” said Anton.