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Overstated about Radical Pesantren Polemic

Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) of Indonesia
Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) of Indonesia

By: Iboy Sandi *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Recently, on February 2, 2016 in Jakarta, Head of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Saud Usman Nasution, stating that there are 19 Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) which could potentially bring radicalism, some of which are Pesantren Islam Amanah in Poso (Related Jemaah Islamiyah), Pesantren Nurul Hadid in Cirebon (Related Jemaah Islamiyah and Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid), and Pesantren Al-Abqory in Serang (Related Al-Nusra Front) it is based on data of the students engaged in terrorism.

Even Saud Usman said that the number of schools that could potentially bring radicalism can be increased or reduced, as the benchmark originally was the involvement of students, teaching staff, as well as collaborations with radical groups that have been prosecuted. This statement was immediately become a polemic among the people of Indonesia, seen from the emergence of a pro or con stance on the statement of the BNPT.

Actually polemic on the statement of the Head of the BNPT not need to exaggerate. Considering the amount indicated Ponpes teaches radicalism only slightly compared to the number of schools that exist throughout Indonesia, which reached almost 50 thousand schools.

Head of the BNPT statement should be understood as part of efforts to prevent terrorism. As one of the state agencies in charge of prevention and control of terrorism, BNPT must undertake prevention programs in all sectors, including the potential development of the sector embryos terrorism itself. In this case not only in Islamic boarding schools institutions but other institutions that potentially compromised by ideologies and elements who seek to radicalization.

Preventive approaches and soft approach like this in the future is necessary and enhanced in order to prevent the growth of terrorism in Indonesia. However, it is necessary to establish Islamic boarding schools in the categorization of the indicated radical. So BNPT not wrong in anticipating and counteracting understand radical Islamic educational institutions.

However terrorism is a crime against the state that need to be addressed early on so as not to cause harm to the nation. Therefore, the government needs to accelerate the preventative measures against acts of terror. In addition, the problem of terrorism is a shared responsibility of the whole society, so that the necessary understanding and active participation of the community in order to prevent the emergence of embryos terrorism in the beloved country. [IS]

*) Jakarta Contributor

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