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Participation of Society, Important For Election


CIDISS. Election of regional head, or a democratic party for all Indonesian people. But not infrequently this party is only enjoyed by a handful of people alone, especially those who have interests so that not everyone feels the importance of participating in elections. In fact, the participation of the community is important for the democratic process in this country.

For that, it should be noted to some that successful elections should involve the community as much as possible. In other words, people’s political participation should be high. In addition, public awareness to choose should also be considered. Do not let people vote on other backgrounds that do not match their choices.

Many ways are used by some parties to influence one’s political opinion, one of them by doing money politics. This method is very effective to use, given the level of welfare of Indonesian people, especially in remote areas is still low so that money is very influential on the political choice of a person.

Another way is to use political promises that are visionary and improve the welfare of the community. This is very good, but it would be bad if this was not really realized. This is because the facts on the ground show that not all elected candidates are able to realize their political promises. This is what triggered the mistrust of the community so that the masyaraka chose for golput.

For that, it should be noted that political promises are not only used to attract sympathy, but also must be realized in the real world so that feels the benefits for all parties.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

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