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PDIP Cadres Clean All Posters of “The King Of Jokowi” in Central Java


CIDISS. In recent years Jokowi posters have been wearing king clothes in various cities and regencies in Central Java, from urban to remote villages, this picture describes Jokowi in a full King dress with party attributes, PDI Perjuangan, this poster is considered to be condescending President Joko Widodo, PDIP Jawa Central explained that there was no party from PDIP who installed the poster in Central Java, there were those who wanted to overthrow Jokowi through this poster, especially in the area of ​​Central Java.

These posters were installed on City tree trees in Central Java, especially Banyumas, Brebes, and Aibibarang, some were installed in public transport glass, drivers in Banyumas claimed there were parties offering Jokowi posters, and were given money as large as 100 thousand rupiah for cars that want to install the picture.

Chairman of the PDI-P DPP Andreas Hugo Pareira stressed that this campaign was not from PDI Perjuangan. It might be from Jokowi’s opponents in the 2019 Presidential Election. “Obviously, the Campaign Props come from ‘anti-Jokowi Presidents’. This is a negative pattern of campaigns developed by Jokowi’s opponents to reduce Jokowi’s good image,” Andreas added, Monday (12/11).

Andreas added that the poster came from the ‘anti-Jokowi President’ group who were unable to compete by displaying a positive self-image to compete with the former Governor of DKI Jakarta. So that we try to create a negative image. “There is a Demonstration Tool The stealth campaign installed in the public portrays as if Jokowi was a king with the Crown. Something far from the fact that Jokowi is actually, who is a hard worker and populist,” he said.

From the Central Java PDIP Cadre through the Chairman of the PDIP Jateng DPD, Bambang Wuryanto, explained that the poster was not made by the campaign team. Bambang did not mention the details of who made it but there was already a bagged name. “This is not the product of the national or regional campaign team, nor the party products. But there is also a party symbol, meaning that there are people who are party symbols. Who are they? the name, look what it looks like, “Bambang said when contacted by telephone on Monday (11/12/2018).

By: Rikky, S *)

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