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Play Pokemon Go Wisely, Does it Important?


Pokemon GoBy: Dede August)*

Since it was first launched on July 6, 2016 and then, games Pokemon Go managed to enchant lovers of gaming and smartphone owners to immediately play it. In fact, the new games officially launched in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, immediately loved by Indonesian gamers which is not a part of the official location of the launching. How it can be? For the Indonesian youth, especially the gamers, it’s not a problem, with a sophistication of technology, whoever and wherever, can enjoy the excitement of the games.

Basically, the games were created was for an entertainment, but if it is not wise to use it, so it will cause many problems. As news reported Kompas.com, Auburn Police, on Tuesday (13/07/2016), respond to a report of traffic accident at 22:44 local time. The report says a man suffered a single accident after his car hit a tree. To the police, the car driver was admitted, that concentration is disturbed by the Pokemon Go games.

The incident is an example that we should be wise in playing game. Do not let our intention to look for an entertainment change as a disaster. Although Pokemon Go was deployed in various points, including on the roadside, the user should not necessarily play these games while driving a vehicle, because it will ruin our concentration, which can cause accidents.

Not only that, the bad example of the lack of wisdom Pokemon Go users also had horrendous the Indonesian soldiers in the Military District Command (Kodim) 0614, Cirebon, West Java. The soldiers were excited, because suddenly a Caucasian French, Pierre Romain, broke into the District Military Command Headquarters to catch a character of Pokemon Go. As a result, Pierre Romain had to deal with the local police.

Kodim is a vital area related to defense and state secrecy, so it cannot be passed by careless people, moreover a foreigner. Then, if we break through in vain, of course it is already against the rules, perhaps if it carried out in a foreign country, we can be considered as a foreign spy. Fortunately, Pierre Romain finally released, because if convicted, inevitably, he had to deal any longer with the police. As a result, a planned visit to Indonesia was a mess.

So, before the disaster hit, we should pause our hobby of playing games when we are driving and play it back when you already safe to play the game. Additionally, we recommend as good as any Pokemon characters encountered, but if it is in an environment that is not possible, do not force to play that game!

For the gamers, let’s be wise and play game safely!

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