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By: Emon Kamindra ) *

The government’s efforts in dealing with Covid-19 through the policy of Enforcing Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) actually still encounter obstacles . In several regions, the rate of growth of positive corona cases continues to increase. H al is affected by general factors, such as firmness, seriousness community in support of policy, the lack of consistency in the supervision and implementation, and a lack of education on danger Covid-19 at the grassroots level (grassroots).

President Joko Widodo informed that efforts to deal with Covid-19 by implementing the Policy on Restricting Community Activities (PPKM) had not yet fully met the common target. In order to achieve the target expected by all citizens, President Joko Widodo in a limited meeting related to the handling of Covid-19 at the Presidential Palace, said that the PPKM policy should be changed to a more accurate level.

To achieve targets related to handling Covid-19 at the local level, the government will cooperate with local security forces. In this case, the government will collaborate with Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas, Satpol PP, up to TNI and Polri yustisi. At present, the rate of Covid-19 transmission has indeed skyrocketed, considering that the mobility and discipline of residents to comply with health protocols is still lacking. Many residents walk outside the house without masks.

The euphoria of the presence of vaccines also greatly affects the mindset of citizens regarding the dangers of Covid-19. In fact, if investigated more deeply, many hospitals, health centers and medical personnel (health workers) are currently overwhelmed to accommodate and handle patients infected with Covid-19. This situation sometimes does not make residents aware and willing to join hands to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

President Joko Widodo also emphasized the importance of implementing 3M (wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance) in breaking the chain of transmission of Covid-19. Chairman of the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery, Airlangga Hartarto , also gave confirmation to all residents regarding the standardization of masks.  

All of these efforts must start from the grassroots level. If the community level at the RT, RW, kampung and village levels lack discipline in implementing all of these recommendations, automatically building national cooperation with various transformative policies is unlikely to succeed. Assertiveness at the micro level is necessary because there is a phenomenon where the symptoms of people wearing masks appear prestigious, because they feel immune. There are those who underestimate Covid-19, so they refuse to wash their hands and keep their distance.

Local leadership by leaders of local can be an example and motivate local communities to undertake joint action. In the context of PPKM Mikro, what deserves to be called a local leader is the RT head, community and religious figures within the RT, or other figures who are considered influential in the RT environment. So, it could be that a local leader is formally institutionalized (such as leading an institution in the RT sekup), it could be an informal / non-institutionalized leader.

The success of a leader is determined by his behavior in carrying out leadership functions and this behavior can be learned or trained. T okoh local becomes important to know the points or the contents of the micro PPKM rules. It is hoped that by knowing these rules, they can be guided and used as an example. Because the behavior of the leader becomes a role model for its members and citizens. By setting a good example it is hoped that it can be followed.

With the compliance of the community, supported by local leaders who can be role models, it is hoped that this policy can be effective. Admittedly, this activity restriction has an impact, especially for business actors such as culinary, fashion, transportation, entertainment and others. Everyone hopes that this epidemic can end soon and the economy will recover again. Micro PPKM is one way of controlling so that this goal is achieved.

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