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Pre-Employment Cards Are Beneficial To Society During the Covid-19 Pandemic


By: Dodik Prasetyo )*

The Employment Card Program released during the Covid-19 pandemic did indeed reap appreciation. Free education and learning is provided to hone skills in the world of work. This is one way to tackle unemployment that has arisen as a result of layoffs from companies that have been closed due to the corona pandemic and MSME movers and young people aged 18 years.

Economic conditions are still uncertain due to the corona virus outbreak is quite difficult for the community. For this reason, the existence of the Employment Card program is worthy of appreciation. Especially in the acceleration of the realization of the program.

The Work Card Program is stipulated through Presidential Regulation Number 36 Year 2020 concerning Development of Work Competencies through the Work Card Program. The existence of this shows that the President’s high commitment and form of extraordinary care for the people.

This Pre-Employment Card is prioritized for workers laid off or affected by Termination of Work (PHK) and micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) affected by Covid-19.

Member of the House of Representatives Commission I, Christina Aryani said that the government had applied as much as possible in the implementation of the Workers Card program. It is hoped that this program can help people who are being affected by their lives because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Christina, who is also the Deputy Secretary General of the Golkar Party’s DPP, appreciated the Workers’ Card program commanded by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartanto. The existence of this program is enough to prove that the government does not only feed the community. But it also tells how to eat.

This program gets high enthusiasm from the community. It is proven that those who are interested reach millions.

This Golkar politician cautioned the government to ensure that the acceleration of the implementation of the program was in accordance with monitoring, and strict security so that it did not allow any gaps in fraud that occurred for personal gain.

DPR Commission III member Habiburokman appreciated the Workers’ Card program that was initiated by President Joko Widodo when the Covid-19 pandemic struck. He requested that the implementation of the program be truly under supervision. Because the partner being partnered with is Belva Syah Devara, there must be no misuse.

In dealing with a difficult situation like this it can not only be resolved by the government alone, political parties, or private parties. However, all parties need to participate and work together.

DPR Commission II member Agung Widyantoro also appreciated the realization of the Workers Card program which received high enthusiasm from the community. According to him, the semi-social assistance program in the form of a Pre-Employment Card is in accordance with the reality in times of difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Regarding online training schemes, it is assumed that it is not effective. However, the actual implementation of the online scheme is a modification of the initial concept. The online implementation was temporarily carried out due to a corona pandemic emergency.

Agung also appreciated the government which had issued many direct aid scheme efforts. Such as the Basic Needs Assistance Program, the Family Hope Program (PKH), cash assistance, electricity subsidies and Jabodetabek special assistance.

The existence of the Workers Card Program is expected to run effectively and be able to elevate HR. In addition, this is a very good opportunity for those who have just graduated from high school, are laid off, and MSME entrepreneurs who are threatened with bankruptcy due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is hoped that the 20 trillion funds disbursed by the government will not be in vain and will be realized perfectly. Not only the government, but all parties ranging from the movers of this program to the recipients of the Work Card Program need to work well together for the success of this program.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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