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Prevent Covid-19 Spread by Wearing a Mask


By: Fandi Ahmad )*

In accordance with WHO’s recommendations, the Government is currently promoting the application of the use of cloth masks for the entire community without exception. The use of masks should continue to be socialized to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

In the midst of an epidemic virus, all parties are advised to remain disciplined in maintaining health and a healthy lifestyle. The government also repeatedly reminded the public to do physical distancing and various health protocols to prevent transmission of Corona Virus or Covid-19. However, the appeal is often underestimated.

As good citizens, obeying the rules of government for our good is obligatory. Moreover, now Covid-19 is showing its fangs. Thus, all parties are expected to play an active role in carrying out all recommendations and rules related to Corona countermeasures as soon as possible. Including the determination of the use of masks.

Strictly speaking, President Jokowi also asked all people to wear masks when outside the home. The statement was delivered by President Jokowi on Monday (6/4), in line with the appeal from the world health institution, WHO. If previously only the sick, now WHO is improving its statement by requiring the world’s population to wear masks.

This is thought to have happened thanks to research that revealed that the use of masks can prevent the spread of the Corona virus. In many places, especially abroad, such as Europe, it requires its citizens to cover their mouth and nose when in public places.

According to Michael Ryan, as the Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergency Program said that the use of masks, whether buy or homemade (cloth masks), can help transmit the COVID-19 virus.

Another possibility is when wearing a mask can reduce the potential transmission of infections that are happening. Ryan said he would support this government policy to implement an approach related to the use of masks to all its citizens. In addition, this step is included in the category of comprehensive strategies to help control the impact of Corona so that it does not spread.

The use of this mask has been intensively applied by people in the world. About the past week, the Slovak Region, Czech Republic, Austrian fiber has been socializing the rule. The main thing is if you are in a public area or public place.

Earlier, it was mentioned that, California became the first state in the United States to offer official guidelines for its citizens. Namely, with regard to everyone must wear a mask in order to play a role in helping to prevent the spread of the Corona virus. In addition, a number of states as well as other municipalities in the USA have carried out a similar policy.

Although Indonesia has not officially published this ban. Previously the government had also recommended the use of masks. Moreover, those who are forced to travel outside the house. Which is called able to prevent droplets from patients. Which may come out when coughing or sneezing.

Other restrictions such as physical distancing (previously social distancing) have also been enacted. this is solely to protect its citizens from the effects of the Corona danger. COVID-19 transmission is quite unique. Although we did not contract the virus, but did not rule out the possibility of remaining potential as a Carrier or carrier agent. Of course we all do not want this to happen. So the solution is to remain obedient to the government. After all, everything will return to ourselves. If it’s still meaningless selfish, don’t love the family.

The reason is, the sadness of the death of a positive patient Covid-19 can only be felt by the family and also the closest person. How do you know? Therefore, for now do not be careless, obey instructions related to Corona prevention as early as possible. Avoid the potentials that can cause danger from the Corona’s hack.

Reflecting on the experience of other countries, we must be aware of our own safety. Fighting together also faced this plague. Not only lives are at stake, various sectors of the economy that are the cornerstone of life are also affected by the severity of COVID-19.

)* Author of Pakuan Bogor University alumni

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