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Prevent Radicalism and Intolerance in the Virtual World through Understanding of National Insights


By: Fathir Muchtar (Chair of the Surabaya Regional Publication Literacy Movement)

Radicalism is an understanding or attitude and behavior that is not in accordance with the order of national and state life. The use of violence and threats for change are far from the ideology of the State. Then it was followed by acts of terrorism which became weapons of radical understanding product groups in spreading fear and insecurity to the public.

Radicalism is not only limited to understanding which generates a number of minions quantitatively, but makes people who are exposed to be fanatical about the changes they plan. Especially if these exposed people form an active group.

The distribution has now also spread to social media. It can be said that radicalism has evolved with the times and technology. We sometimes do not realize their adjustments directly, we need closer observation. Without we realize, we may have been slightly exposed to this dangerous understanding.

Through the sophistication of existing technology, radicalism easily manipulates a person’s mindset. And when the mindset shifts from existing norms, that’s where the beginning of the problem can occur. In the name of the truth, but do not want to listen to other people’s opinions. People who initially always be friendly, instead become easily ignited to anger.

The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), which has a diversity of religions, ethnicities, and cultures, is a characteristic of national and state life. Pancasila which was originally as an ideology of the nation has proven its effectiveness in uniting the differences in the Archipelago. However, due to radical understandings that have spread among people, differences can be made into a problem and elements of fanaticism might emerge between those differences.

The harmony between the citizens that we have intertwined has turned into an uncontrollable dispute. Some fanatical groups which are easily provoked by provocation, lead to actions that lead to violence and the community feels insecure anymore with the nation, mainly because of differences.

As a result of this exposure to the ideology of radicalism, not a few also made many young people change. Radicalism that has been integrated with the community, slowly threatens the diversity of customs and values ​​of local wisdom in this country.

Citizens Must Strengthen Nationality Insights

Let’s briefly recall history. When this country was born, there were four pillars of Indonesian nationality, namely Pancasila, which became the basis and guideline for the State and became a tool for social interaction between the government and the people, the 1945 Constitution which became the basis of the Law, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity became a unifier in cultural diversity Indonesian nation.

But if you recall, the four pillars are the pillars that stood since the beginning of the birth of the State. Increasingly changing times, a sturdy pillar that will be easily shaken and faltered by existing developments.

The current era, the age of technology and the State is trying to restore the power of unity and strengthen the pillars of nationalism. If it is related to the initial tragedy of reform, when youth are easily tainted by radical understanding due to the lack of national insight and love for the motherland.

Do not let the next generation of the nation, do not know about the customs and culture of the nation. Values ​​that have lived together with culture and society so far, just disappear due to lack of insight and knowledge. Millennials must not forget history. Dark history though, in order to reflect and keep moving for the sake of better change. Indonesia has gone through a series of history that is quite long and not easy to become a country as it is now.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen national insight and exemplary values ​​in order to maintain the integrity of the State. The government which is an early detection tool must have a specific strategy nationally and of course it involves various elements, especially millennial.

In order to ward off radical threats and prevent acts of terrorism, we need to foster national and state values ​​and broaden the national outlook to be a protective shield against groups that threaten the State by Enhancing the Sense of Patriotism and Nationalism for a Peaceful and Advanced Indonesia.

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