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Prevent Radicalism Doctrination in Wicked and Harmful Social Media


By: Yudha Pratama (Chairperson of Malang’s Regional Publication Literacy Movement)

Radicalism is not a new phenomenon in the history of the Indonesian people. The seeds of the movement which aspired to establish the Khilafah had existed before Indonesia’s independence. Not only that, this movement had proclaimed the establishment of the Islamic State of Indonesia in 1949 under the leadership of Kartosuwiryo.

To this day, the radicalism movement continues to spread its influence massively, not only to ordinary people, but also to educated people in various educational institutions. This phenomenon cannot be underestimated if we truly idealize a society that is safe, peaceful and peaceful.

In the era of social media, the doctrine of radicalism is increasingly effective and efficient. Nowadays radical groups really use social media as an easy and inexpensive doctrine media. Unmitigated all lines of social media there is no gap that is not stuffed with radicalism.

Narrative narratives that plunged into the radical realm are now scattered in the social media. The proposition of jihad is quoted, then mixed with a particular case in order to attract citizens to be exposed to radical understanding. Without a good filter, radicalism is very easy to poison people’s minds.

Fighting doctrine online must also be online. One way to break the doctrine of online radicalism is by providing an appropriate understanding of the teachings of good religion in the social media. The reason is that all this time the effort against the radicals has only exposed his cruelty. It is time in the social media to fight the radicals by breaking their arguments, especially breaking the proposition of violence.

Citizens do not be swayed by the sweet posts of the radicals. Their emotions are often provoked when presented with videos of provocation of oppression of Muslims. Sometimes the videos are hoaks or old videos that are deliberately used to ignite the fire of jihad. These doctrinal models need to be realized, understood, and opposed.

We need to understand together that religion must be accompanied by knowledge. Do not let us be religious with lust.

The doctrine via social media actually awakens the spirit of religion with lust. What passion is built? For example the lust of jihad which gives the gift of martyrdom. After being martyred, he immediately entered heaven and gathered and served by the angels. This concept is religious with lust. Then religion is obliged to deepen and broaden the understanding of his religion so that it is not easily indoctrinated by radicals.

Now, let’s avoid the provocation and propaganda of radicalism by increasing the sense of patriotism and nationalism for a peaceful and developed Indonesia. All people certainly crave peace. In the midst of differences, peace is much more pronounced with tolerance.

With a heart of diversity and diversity, together it’s time to support and succeed government programs through efforts to fight radicalism and deradicalization by grounding and carrying out the values ​​of Pancasila in everyday life.

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