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Protecting The Unity in The Middle of Political Differences


By: Agustinus Situmorang *

From year to year, period to period, democracy in Indonesia has developed. Democracy in Indonesia had experienced a dark period when the new order regime came to power, 30 years more than Indonesia under the auspices of the regime. But over time, democracy experienced a revival. In short, the Indonesian people are now able to elect people’s representatives directly. In fact, now the community can also elect state leaders directly in the voting booth.
Different choices are a necessity, because everyone will always have a perspective and judgment that is not the same as other people, including friends or family members. Political differences certainly should not damage conducivity and unity which in fact has always been a necessity for every society.
The MUI Advisory Council also calls on the nation and leaders and leaders to promote unity and unity. Elections are a tool, while tools or facilities may not cause the destruction of the nation. Elections are a tool to make this nation civilized, civilization in leading and certainly looking for the best leaders. Muslims should properly strengthen unity even though there are differences in choice. Because, differences in choice may not damage the Islamic brotherhood.
In addition, the MUI’s consideration council also called on the scholars, not to spit out statements that could invite conflict and opposition among fellow Muslims. The statement intended is a statement that invites the group to irrational statements and statements that cause problems.
MUI is also associated as a big house by the MUI Advisory Council, a large house of people from anywhere from any kind of group and being a friend of the authorities, but it is still a part of the amar ma’ruf mahi mar against the existing conditions.
Furthermore, Wantim MUI also allows Muslims to have literacy in the political field to be able to make the best choice based on political literacy. It also hopes that this can be a guide for Muslims in choosing who the candidates are.
In the 2019 Election, the MUI Advisory Council also hopes that the stakeholders can be neutral and fair so that the democratic party can run well, safely, orderly and smoothly. MUI is a strategic partner of the government. This is because Islam is a religion adopted by the majority of people in Indonesia.
It is fitting for the Government and MUI to synergize to realize the unity, unity and togetherness of the entire extended family of the nation, especially the unity and unity of Muslims by promoting ukhuwah Islamiyah, restraint and not spreading hatred, making Elections a civilized means to overcome civilization. The reason is that during the Election period, the political temperature among state administrators to the grassroots tended to rise due to the splitting of political support.
In the campaign process, it is fitting for Muslims not to spread hatred and struggle with each other. The MUI Advisory Council also called for Muslims not to get caught up in hostilities by displaying hatred that could divide the nation. Ahead of the political contest, the community should be able to make differences in political aspirations as a matter of course, and still maintain the spirit of Islam.

Deputy Chairperson of the MUI Advisory Council, Didin Hafifudin added, “In the difference, Muslims must keep maintaining the Islamic Brotherhood, not to divide us,” he said. The suggestion is certainly not without reason, this is based on the concerns of two camps that use animal names that are used to insult or vilify each other.
These two camps then create excessive interactions by muttering and mutually insulting one another. Including calls with animal names that only reduce the dignity of humans. Of course it would be very unethical if only because of the 5-year agenda, family harmony and among others would be broken. In this case the MUI Advisory Council calls on citizens, especially Muslims to be able to hold back. He also asked Muslims not to get caught up in political interests, which if they could damage the nation’s unity and unity.
It is more important than just political competition, which makes the difference in aspirations as a mercy for mutual respect and glorification among people. This attitude of mutual respect and glorification is intended to keep the brotherhood or unity of the people maintained.
However, scholars also have the right to gather and express their views, because this is something that is legitimate. What’s not good is monopolistic tendencies, like monopolizing the road to heaven, heaven belongs to all those who fight for the benefit of society. In addition, religious leaders are quite respected figures in Indonesia, even in the political sphere, religious sentiments also often make weapons to gain a lot of time.
With this, of course religious leaders have a vital role to maintain national unity, by spreading the values ​​of unity and tolerance for differences, because in essence differences are not a reason to hate each other and invite hatred. The MUI Advisory Council also called on the public not to vote for abstentions in the 2019 Election. Although there were no fatwas which forbade abstentions. According to him abstentions can reduce the quality of elections.

  • The author is an observer of social and political problems

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