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Public feared to protest Friday prayers in Jakarta`s main road


Jakarta (cidiss.co) – An intelligence analyst from the University of Indonesia has expressed fear that the public would rise to oppose the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) if it forced itself into holding Friday prayers at Jakarta main roads on Dec. 2.

Ridlwan Habib, Executive coordinator of Indonesia Intelligence Institute, said he was worried that if the FPI with its National Movement Guarding the Fatwa (GNPF) of the Ulema Council refused to hear call not to hold Friday prayer in the roads, the people of Jakarta would protest.

FPI has announced that it would hold Friday prayers in Jakartas main roads of Jalan Sudirman and Jalan Thamrin to precede another big rally demanding the arrest of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok) for allegedly insulting Islam on Dec. 2.

Friday prayer at the road would most likely disrupt transport and halt business activities in the citys largest business district.

“Demonstration does not have to be in the roads, which are vital for the public transport. Demonstration could be staged at the Monas square or Banteng squares,” Ridlwan said here on Friday.

Police have strongly warned that the roads may not be used for demonstration or Friday prayer.

The countrys largest non political Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) also said that Friday prayer at public roads are not valid.

“Friday prayers held on the roads are not valid. Fridays prayers have to be in a place prepared for Friday prayers either in a village of city,” General Chairman of NU Executive Board Said Aqil said here on Thursday.

Aqil then called on all NU community members not to be involved in Dec 2 rally.

Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian even said the planned rally on Dec 2 is no longer relevant, adding there was indication it was politically motivated and plot to topple the government.

Titos statement about suspicion of plot to topple the president had become topics in social media, Ridlwan said.

Ridlwan said the statement drew mixed reactions in the social media, some even called for the dismissal of the police chief.

“I think the police chief should name who were behind the plot to topple the president to silent the provocateurs in the cyber world,” he said.

Now there was attempt to set Muslim community against the police chief, he said, adding ,”I believed most ulemas are behind Tito Karnavian.”


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