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Questioning Habib Rizieq’s Citizenship Revocation Petition


By: Indah Kurniati) *

Not long ago an astonishing petition re-emerged in the virtual world, on the Change.org site, a petition emerged regarding the revocation of Indonesian citizens (WNI) against the high priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab.

In the change.org official website, the initial purpose of the petition was explained. One of them is related to the alleged delegitimation of 2019 elections and the government.
Although Habib Rizieq was in Mecca. However, a number of videos uploaded by Rizieq turned out to be quite exhilarating in the 2019 Presidential Election.

Indeed, we already know that the faction 02 which is supported by the FPI, still insists on defending its victory claims even though they have been proven to have committed lies by composing stories about fraud that occurred.

No other purpose of the action was an attempt to delegitimize the KPU, Bawaslu and the National Police.
Habib Rizieq has too often called for provocative speeches which made his men dark in eyes, such as sweeping in stalls during Ramadan and so on.

In fact, he also insulted the figure of Gusdur when tele conference on a television station, at that time he said that “Gus Dur was blind and blind-hearted”, as the figure of the High Priest certainly was something that was not appropriate to say.

He also made an excessive intolerant attitude by saying, “if Jesus is born bidannye,” he said, it certainly does not reflect the figure of an Indonesian who upholds diversity.
Especially now that Habib Rizieq seems to be seeking refuge in Saudi Arabia, and not returning to Indonesia, it would be nice if Habib Rizieq was revoked Indonesian citizenship status and became a citizen in the Middle East only.

Because it is not impossible for a country to revoke the status of Indonesian citizen Rieziq Shihab, because there are procedures that govern it. If Rizieq Shihab straightforwardly supports ISIS, then he can become an enemy of the state and destroy the unity of the NKRI.

Of course this petition can be revoked, provided Habib Rizieq and various FPI sympathizers, want to accept Pancasila and are willing to live in diversity. Moreover, he was also named as a suspect by the West Java Regional Police for the Pancasila abuse case.

Determination as a suspect was carried out by the West Java police after carrying out the title of the third case for almost seven hours.
The lecture, which was far from being polite to Habib Rizieq, had said that Soekar Soekarno’s Pancasila was in the ass, while the Pancasila of the Jakarta Charter, the Godhead in the head ’was what made him have to be called by the police.

In addition, Habib Rizieq’s sense of sentiment also proved that the figure of Habib Rizieq did not reflect tolerance and did not respect the diversity fostered by the nation’s ancestors. If this is allowed, Habib Rizieq’s lecture will certainly threaten the harmony between religious groups in Indonesia

On social media mainly Youtube, Rizieq is also recorded to have spread the utterance of hatred towards minority communities, this clearly hurt Indonesia. One of them when he slipped the greetings until he was mixed with poison, even though the words of Sampurasun were considered very sacred to the Sundanese people, especially the Wiwitan people. Where the greeting means to pray for one another.

In some of these cases, of course Habib Rizieq is a figure far from the impression of Indonesians who love culture and uphold a sense of unity.
For the sake of FPI, a religious mass organization that often makes people feel afraid when they meet with them, even if they often make trouble. Instead of preaching about Islam, his actions are far from Islamic values.

In some cases the FPI has also harmed the state and violated the law. As happened on August 8, 2010, where the FPI attacked the congregation of the Huria Kristen Batak Protestant Church (HKBP) Pondok Indah Timur in Ciketing Asem, Mustika jaya sub-district, bekasi, West Java.
Even FPI also threatened to attack the ongoing marriage at the Jatinangor Pentecostal church.

If FPI still wants to exist in Indonesia, of course the FPI elite must know that Indonesia was raised with friendliness not by its violence. If the FPI does not uphold Indonesian unity, of course the dissolution of the FPI should be carried out properly.

) * The author is a social observer

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