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Radicalism From Perspective of Former Member


radicalism-from-perspective-of-former-memberBy: Agus )*

Former terrorist, Ayyub Abdurrahman stated that the lethal radicalism is attacking the logic of human being and it has the ability to reframe people’s conciousness and common sense into something bad.

Ayyub is an alumni of STM Boedi Utomo in Jakarta in the 1980s. Since the school year, he was not getting enough decent religious instruction. In 1984, he met with Suleiman Mahmud (member of Darul Islam organization in Aceh), which eventually became his religious teacher.

In 1985, at the age of 22, Ayyub continue deepening religious studied with Abu Bakar Ba’asyir (ABB), leader of Ngruki Al-Islam boarding school in Solo. ABB is regarded as the leader of Jamaah Al Islamiyah in Southeast Asia.

“Imagine, he dared to challenge the government. Against the state that are considered infidels, “said Ayyub, who then declared allegiance and oath of loyalty to the leader who wants to establish a state based on Islamic law.

With status as a member of the NII, in 1986, ABB sent Ayyub to Afghanistan for training at the Military Academy, located in the mountains on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. In Afghanistan,  Ayyub got a position as commander of 2 with the rank of lieutenant.

According to him, today radicalism is becoming increasingly brutal, as was done by ISIS which always carries the Quran and Hadith in carrying out acts of violence. They were heathened the dissident and justified their blood to be killed, robbed and raped.

Therefore, he cautioned parents to really keep their children to avoid radicalsm or terroism from social media.

In the study of religion, he said, should seek a religious teacher who truly understand religion, so it will not violate the teachings of Islam, and prevent the recruitment of radicals.
He said that Islam knowledge must be fully understand, the shallow understanding will make the doctrine become extreme or the doctrine was essentially away from the understanding of Islam itself.

)* Author is Brunei Contributor

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