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Realizing the 3rd Sila Pancasila after the 2019 Election


By: Ananda Rasti *
Different choices are a necessity, because each individual will always have a point of view and judgment that is not the same as other people, including with friends or relatives. Of course it would be very unethical if only because of the 5-year agenda, the harmony of the family between each other would be broken. Only because of different choices, the alma mater alumni associates ignited a debate on social media, claimed each other and blamed the election organizers.
On this matter, a number of religious leaders asked the public to maintain an atmosphere of peace and restraint after the elections on April 17, 2019. The community was also asked not to be provoked by information on social media whose sources were unclear. Din Syamsudin as the MUI Advisory Council, appealed to the election organizers, namely the KPU, Bawaslu, DKPP with all of its staff to fulfill the constitutional mandate, namely to create direct, general, free, confidential, honest and fair elections (Luber Jurdil).
“Jurdil is very important for the next most decisive stage, namely vote counting and determination. “It is easy to hear the KPU so that it becomes a concern,” said Din.
On another occasion, PBNU Chairperson Said Aqil Siraj invited and appealed to all Indonesians to maintain integrity and harmony wherever, whenever and in any situation.
“Elections have run safely and peacefully, there have been no significant riots. This is the success of the Indonesian people in carrying out the process of political democracy, “he said.
He also asked the Indonesian people, who were predominantly Muslim, to show the international community that Indonesia had carried out the democratic process carefully and wisely. Because Islam does not conflict with democracy, democracy does not conflict with Islamic teachings. The same thing was also said by the Chairperson of PGI Rev. Henriette Tabita Hutabarat Lebang, he said, the need to re-glue if there was friction after the 2019 Election.
“It’s time to reunite with each other, peace with each other again. In the understanding of the Christian faith, this Easter period is a time when people meditate on themselves, reflect on mistakes and make peace with one another. Because in Christian belief, Christ comes to bring peace, “said Pastor Henriette.
In addition, after the post-election response held on April 17, the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership appealed to the presidential election contestants – the vice president and the legislature and the success teams and supporters, should not make speculative and confrontational statements that could make the post-election atmosphere and national life not conducive. He also appealed to all Indonesian people, to return to their respective activities according to their respective professions and duties while maintaining harmony, unity and cooperating with each other for the progress of the nation.
“Nearly one year the Indonesian people have been involved in the 2019 Election process, therefore recovery or recovery is needed as well as productive work to achieve progress for Indonesia’s future which is increasingly challenging,” Haedar explained.
PP Muhammadiyah also invites all national elites to always provide good examples in creating peace and peace in the Indonesian nation after the election.
“It should continue to establish togetherness and knit brotherhood and cooperation with all elements of the nation to realize a safe, harmonious, peaceful, moderate and progressive Indonesia,” Haedar concluded.
Various slander and delegitimation efforts for the KPU certainly become news that worsens the democratic atmosphere in Indonesia, hardline supporters claim mutual results that favor their champion, this must certainly be muted, because after all we have to wait for the official announcement from the KPU. If the community encounters fraud, it would be nice to submit it to the Bawaslu through a predetermined procedure, not necessarily upload it on social media so that netizens will be prone to receive news that is not necessarily true.
The 2019 election contestants should also protect themselves from doing excessive things, maturity in addressing differences is one way to make the 3rd Sila “Indonesian Unity” possible. Whoever the president is, he is the president of choice, democracy that has become a breath in Indonesia must be upheld in a spirit of unity.

  • The author is an observer of social and political problems

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