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Refusing the Worker Demonstration Action to Protest the Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright


By: Edi Jatmiko) *

A few elements of the workers planned to hold a demonstration on June 20, 2020 to protest the Omnibus Law. In fact, they have expressed their support in discussions with relevant ministers. The community also rejected the demonstration plan because it was vulnerable to being infiltrated by foreign parties to create riots. A number of news related to labor protests due to omnibus law are considered not in line with them. In fact, the Omnibus law bill was allegedly not yet completed in the process. According to the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly is declaring that the Omnibus Law Copyright Bill for Employment is approaching completion.

All of the points have to be finished and 95 percent are ready, just finalize, Yasonna added. Yasonna also claimed that the process of drafting this bill had involved labor groups, so that the results could be in accordance with their wants and needs. He explained that the Omnibus Law Law was completed there would be a fundamental change in investment in job creation, so that later it would make it easier for people to work. Although claimed to have involved labor groups, in fact the Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright was rejected by the Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI). How come? Whereas before, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto claimed to have met with the union to discuss the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya. He also said that workers had accepted the rules in the Omnibus Law.

Airlangga said that the dialogue was held with 7 confederations and 28 trade unions up to 4 to 5 meetings. He even mentioned, almost all groups of workers who were spoken to have welcomed this government plan. Airlangga said that the rejection of the trade unions that had previously occurred was due to the fact that the information had not reached them completely. As a result, labor groups finally have different perceptions about the contents of the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya. One of the differences in perception is related to minimum wages. A number of information appears to have emerged that the minimum wage applies to all workers. In fact, the minimum wage formulation is only for new workers who have a working period of less than one year. So that what is regulated is for entry level labor, added Airlangga.

In addition, Airlangga said, workers will get a job loss insurance program through the new rules that will be applied. The brand-new program is a new guarantee that comes from BPJS Employment. However, this job loss insurance program will also not replace the position of severance given when someone experiences termination of employment (FLE). So this is on top of severance pay. Airlangga is optimistic and ensures that through this omnibus law there will be flexibility in working hours. However, he ensured that the overtime regulation beyond 40 hours per week would still be enforced.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah is preparing a scheme for calculating hourly wages. He stated if the new scheme would apply to those who work under 40 hours per week. While those who work 40 hours per week remain paid monthly. According to him, the hourly wage system is suitable for workers with flexible working hours. He explained, in the context of work time flexibility, because flexibility was needed a lot. He claimed to have had a sounding with many of his fellow workers, they also understood that, and even in that context needed flexibility. There must be a provision, there is a calculation formula, Ida added.

Ida admitted that she was still looking for a fair and appropriate formulation to calculate hourly wages. He claims this scheme will continue to benefit workers and employers. Wages with the hourly calculation scheme can also be claimed payment per month. Apart from the hectic turmoil of workers who want to hang out at the Parliament building and protest the Omnibus Law, of course in the previous discussions with related parties up to 5 times the meeting should have been final. In fact, they have claimed to agree with the adoption of this universal sweep law. They also asked to be involved in the preparation. Then, why now seems to turn around? Even though the bill was not final and decided.

This indicates an oddity. The confusion of the news is not true until other parties deliberately set fire. The question is, which party will demonstrate? Because the workers have agreed and fully supported the Omnibus law.

) * The author is a social political observer

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