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By: Siska Mahameru )*

The Indonesian economy is indeed enormous. In 2017, the value of Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product has exceeded Rp. 13,000 trillion. However, of course we all know that Indonesia is still in the category of developing countries and not developed countries. Greater economic value is needed in order to be able to move up to become a developed country.

The government really understands this. Various efforts have been made by the government, ranging from massive infrastructure development to the simplicity of bureaucracy. In terms of the central bank, the movement of the rupiah exchange rate continued to be escorted in the hope that interest from foreign investors in investing their funds in the country could be maintained.

However, the government also needs assistance from Indonesian citizens to achieve this, namely political support and stability. When the general election was over, it was fitting for all parties to reunite to support government programs and create political stability. Why? Because the government without the people will not be able to run the country.

The Constitutional Court has ruled that the alleged election fraud committed by the number 1 candidate pair was not proven. Therefore, let’s stop the enmity and demonstration on a large scale to immediately reunite as an Indonesian nation. The differences that exist within ourselves and our identity are not an obstacle to Indonesian unity. Remember, Indonesia is united in the midst of differences, that is what makes the foundation of Unity in Diversity.

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