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Say No To Racist Provocation


By: Abner Wanggai) *

George Floyd’s death apparently caused criticism from American society, especially from blacks. In addition, an Indonesian priest who was involved in the protest of George Floyd’s death in South America drew criticism from citizens. In the protest, he made an offensive speech related to discrimination in Indonesia. Indonesian society also firmly refused the speech because what happened in Indonesia was not like what was said by the religious leaders.

It is known that the Indonesian pastor named Oscar Surjadi who lives in Portland, Oregon. In his speech in the middle of the action at Pioneer Square, Surjadi received positive attention from Americans because his speeches and prayers were related to justice for all humanity.

However, apparently the video that circulated on YouTube and Twitter apparently got its main criticism from Indonesian citizens. Because, at the beginning of the speech, he said “know what is prejudice and discrimination” because it comes from Indonesia.

Surjadi said, I thought I could run away from Indonesia and come here to breathe freedom. But I saw a few days ago, my heart melted. He said.

It is known that Surjadi has been the leader of City Blessing Church in Portland, Oregon, since 1998. It is not yet known whether Surjadi is still an Indonesian citizen or has moved citizenship.

Knowing this, Indonesian Twitter netizens called it a “traitor” because they assumed that Indonesia had been slandered by the priest.

One Twitter user tweeted, that what was said must be accounted for, this matter concerns the dignity and the dignity of the Indonesian people.

In addition there is also a tweet, Oscar Surjadi claims discrimination by indigenous people against Chinese citizens of Chinese origin in Indonesia with the phrase “I can Breath”

The criticism was also tweeted by Imam Masjid in New York from Indonesia Shamsi Ali, he said that what happened in America related to the death of George Floyd, could not be equated with what was in the country.

According to Shamsi, discrimination in the United States took place systemically against black people.

Shamsi said, in fact paradise for the minority actually exists in Indonesia. In addition to being guaranteed in the constitution and philosophy of their country, minorities also have a very respectable position in Indonesia.

This is evidenced by the existence of national holidays for religious holidays. Even more important we get that minority friends in Indonesia have a respectable position in public life, both in political and economic positions.

This is evidenced by the presence of Papuans who have gained important positions in government, such as Freddy Numberi who had served as minister of fisheries.

In Indonesia too, minorities get security from the police when celebrating religious holidays. Therefore what Oscar Surjadi said in his oration cannot be justified.

Shamsi said, stop making the country worse. Indonesia is indeed not a perfect country. But not the existing cases, instead they are used to denigrate their own country. He said that with all its deficiencies, Indonesia was the most tolerant country for minorities

This 52-year-old man exemplifies the equality that exists in Indonesia for all religious communities: religious holidays of all religions. In New York, Shamsi had to fight for 7 years to obtain the right to Muslims off during Eid and Eid al-Adha, and even then only in New York City.

Shamsi also invited the diaspora and Indonesian citizens abroad not to vilify Indonesia in a foreign country.

The Indonesian Foreign Ministry said their representatives in the United States would find out what triggered the criticism. Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Teuku Faizasyah hopes that the person concerned can immediately clarify his words.

Related to demonstrations in the US, Indonesian citizens generally obeyed the call of Indonesian representatives in the US not to take part in the streets.

Faizasyah said that the RI representative office would find out more about the origin of Suryadi. Surjadi is also not yet known whether he still holds Indonesian citizenship or has become a US citizen.

This case shows that we should not maintain the dignity of the nation on the world stage, and show the world that Indonesia is a country that upholds tolerance towards various tribes, nations and religions.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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