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Simakrama Helps Prevent Campaign Violations


By: Dodik Prasetyo *
The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) of Bali reminded political parties and legislative candidates (candidates) to be careful when making a visit to the temple. Political Parties and legislative candidates are only permitted to offer no-frills speeches. Bali Bawaslu Chairperson Ketut Ariyani said that the worship program and visits to temples or places of worship were very vulnerable to being ridden with political interests.
“According to Ariyani, political party administrators and candidates are only allowed to offer worship in places of worship. Even then they may not wear party attributes. Let alone flags, pins that are as large as coins may not be worn inside a place of worship. That is clearly regulated in the provisions of the campaign, “he said.
He did not deny that activities in places of worship were very vulnerable. Especially when the party or legislative candidates are given the opportunity to give a speech.
“There must be no invitation to vote. Especially until the delivery of vision and mission. The place is not in a place of worship. Please do simakrama in a place that has been arranged according to the specified schedule. This must be really careful. “He added.
In addition to the issue of visits, Ariyani, who is also the former Chairperson of the Buleleng Panwaslu, reminded of the issue of branding on private vehicles. Candidates are asked not to do branding on vehicles. Because branding is only permitted for political parties.
In addition, to maintain the security and smoothness of the simakrama conducted by legislative candidates from various parties in the Singaraja region, the Singaraja Police Sector Task Force within the Buleleng police station was present to do security.
During the security of the Singaraja Sector Police, the ranks of the Buleleng Regional Police appointed as the Singaraja Regional Task Force were under the control of the Singaraja Police Subdistrict Head of Kompol A.A Wiranata Kusuma, SH, MM. Take care and care for the location of the activity.
Tabanan Regency Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) will crack down on anyone for violators of the 2019 election. This was stated by the Chairperson of Tabanan Regency Election Supervisory Body I Made Rumada saying that it would take firm action for violators of the 2019 election. elections.
“In campaign activities, election participants must obey the rules and follow a campaign ban on the place of worship. If he only prays may be, but the campaign may not, and he must campaign outside the place of worship,” said Rumada.
Regarding the Campaign / Simakrama by the legislative candidates, Bawaslu reminded the election participants to make a notification letter on campaign / simakrama activities to the police. This is so that every campaign / dormitory activity by election participants can facilitate supervision, because the mechanism does require that it is in accordance with the election law.
“If that is not followed, the Bawaslu and the Police can stop the activity,” he said.
Rumada explained, each sub-district in Tabanan found a campaign / simakrama violation without sending a letter to the police. Related to this, his party has carried out prevention in the form of being reminded to election participants to complete a notification letter to the police. In the prevention there was someone who was stopped when the activity took place and there was also something going on but it was carrying out supervision.
“Indeed, it was presented, so Bawaslu reminded the Election participants to complete a notification letter to the police regarding the activity,” he explained.
Simakrama or meeting with the community is far more important than installing billboards to attract sympathy for voters.
The legislative candidates should also be diligent in going straight down to gather information from the community and plunge into the boarding community. If this is the case, then there will undoubtedly be trust from the community so that the candidates do not have to put up billboards.
Approaching the 2019 election period, the Bali Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) indicated that there were many legislative candidates who did not comply. This is evidenced by the large number of legislative candidates and campaign teams who disobey the rules and report the implementation to the police, Bawaslu also highlights the massive covert campaigns carried out on social media and campaign manipulation in the form of simakrama.
As confirmed by Bali Bawaslu Dispute Resolution Division Coordinator I Ketut Rudia, his party said that from the results of monitoring carried out by the Bali Bawaslu all districts / cities in Bali, Rudia found that many legislative candidates were not obedient.
“Most candidates do not report on campaign activities, even though it is the duty of the legislative candidates or their campaign team,” said I Ketut Rudia.
Furthermore, the former Chairperson of the Bali Bawaslu added that any form of legislative candidates’ campaign activities must be reported to the police.

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