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Simplification of Bureaucracy, Manifestation of Government Attention to Society


By: Yusuf Maulana

Simplification of the bureaucracy is a necessity in realizing fast and professional public services. The government is currently trying to make bureaucratic downsizing be enjoyed by the public.

Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin requested that the simplification of the bureaucracy be done carefully, objectively, transparently and fairly. One of the priorities that must be achieved in the near future is the simplification of the bureaucracy as conveyed by the President in his speech at the Plenary Session of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly.

The Minister of PAN-RB, Tjahjo Kumolo explained, there were a number of things that were conveyed at the meeting, which were related to bureaucratic development, which had to have fast services and provide certainty of investment permits.

The key, according to Tjahjo, is to build a bureaucracy that has the speed of serving and granting investment permits.
He also requested that the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) build innovation innovations to lead to efficient and fast work.

Tjahjo also encouraged the judicial commission to follow President Jokowi’s direction in laying down the simplification of the bureaucracy through mapping and evaluating structural positions that could be transferred to functional.
According to him, simplification of the bureaucracy is important to answer the weaknesses of the bureaucracy that has been there, namely slow decision making.

He said, the simplification desired by Jokowi was not merely to reduce the level of bureaucracy so that political and development decision making in government agencies was faster. But changing the mindset oriented to echelonization becomes functional.

The hope, in the Judicial Commission will soon be held an evaluation and map positions that can be transferred to functional positions.

In addition to eliminating structural thinking, the simplification of bureaucracy he said also aimed to prioritize expertise and innovation, so that government accountability is increasing.

Not long ago, President Joko Widodo had appreciated the bureaucracy in the Supreme Court (MA) as a bastion for justice seekers. With bureaucratic reform in almost all lines in order to provide services that are fast, immediate and affordable in court so that people feel satisfied.

Jokowi said the challenges facing the Supreme Court were very heavy and not easy. All citizens, especially disadvantaged families, continue to dare to fight for justice.
However the community must get better and faster services in the midst of increasingly complex problems.

The former Surakarta Mayor also gave an award to the Supreme Court for providing a quick decision to create a simple court of law.
Chief Justice Hatta Ali said that various advances had been made by the Supreme Court during his eight years of leadership. Among BPK’s awards in the form of unqualified fair for 7 years in a row, the case arrears that continue to decline even recorded the lowest record throughout the establishment of the Supreme Court.

Not only that, even the level of public confidence continues to increase and the speed of deciding a case with a not too long period of time.

Whereas before, the verdict in the Supreme Court could take years which had an impact on legal uncertainty. But when this doesn’t exist, there is speed at an affordable cost.
Simplification of the bureaucracy that continues to be intensified by the government bureaucracy aims to improve government effectiveness and accelerate decision making.

This bureaucratic simplification acceleration through 5 stages. First, namely the identification of administrative positions in the work unit. While the second stage is the mapping of positions and administrative officials affected by bureaucratic simplification.

Then the third is the mapping of functional positions that can be occupied by officials affected by bureaucratic simplification. The fourth step is the alignment of functional position allowances with administrative allowances. And the fifth stage is the alignment of administrative positions to functional positions.

Although the simplification of bureaucracy is done in all levels of government. There are some positions that cannot be transferred. Of course there are exceptions to the requirements or functions of the position.

Position that cannot be transferred is a position that has duties and functions related to authority, legalization, approval, document approval or territorial authority.

Later, the follow-up of simplifying the bureaucracy is the organization’s arrangement and new work patterns. Of course it will also affect the formation of formation and position maps related to career patterns.
By simplifying the bureaucracy, we hope that a simple structure, investment licensing will be made faster and certainly can increase economic growth in the center and the regions.

The writer is a social political observer

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