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Singapore Bank declared the rejecting statement on Indonesia’s Tax Amnesty

Picture from Sindonews.com: Singapore and the rejecting statement of Tax Amnesty
Picture from Sindonews.com: Singapore and the rejecting statement of Tax Amnesty

By: Mohammad Irfandi )*

Today, we are still talking about Tax Amnesty Policy in Indonesia. Many accidents have been happening in Indonesia during implementation of Tax Amnesty. One of them is an rejecting statement from Singapore Bank to declare the Singapore Bank customer from Indonesia joining Tax Amnesty in their own country.

Indonesian public reacted strongly to the attitude of private banks in Singapore to expose the names of customers who follow the tax amnesty program alias tax amnesty to local police. Even some public Indonesia considered Singapore real panic and tried to maneuver success tackle tax amnesty.

Observer taxes from Danny Darussalam Tax Center (DDTC), Darussalam had said that the attitude of the parties in Singapore against tax amnesty is a natural thing to tax competition. When Singapore to respond in such a manner related to tax amnesty program shows that this is the right policy in the context of reforming the tax system Indonesia and in order to attract capital to enter Indonesia.

As we all know, Singapore is the country’s favorite Indonesian citizens to save funds. The low taxes in the Pride Lands to suck the wealth-citizen to park their money.

Indonesian taxpayer funds were deposited in Singapore is estimated to reach Rp3,000 trillion, both of which have been reported or not reported. Total about 56 percent of total bank deposits in Singapore to reach Rp5,300 trillion.

The funds will be used for the development of Singapore’s liquidity. When all funds in Singapore citizen could be towed back to Indonesia through the tax amnesty, then the system will be disrupted liquidity Singapore. Because of that, Singapore is very concerned to keep the funds of the citizen to remain in cash Singaporean banks.

Previously, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia recognizes, major banks in Singapore has given a tempting offer that treasure Indonesian entrepreneurs remain stored in the Pride Lands. Some Singapore banks are willing to pay 4 percent of the ransom repatriation of assets belonging to Indonesian citizens stored in the country.

According to the Chamber of Commerce, the effort is a testament to the abundance of things citizens who are in Singapore. During this time, the funds of citizens in Singapore many assessed that contribute to the economic growth of the total area of no more than the Jakarta area.

Despite getting a tempting offer, Kadin said that he supports a tax amnesty. According to Kadin, treasures citizens who are abroad, including in Singapore, it is time to return to Indonesia to contribute to development.

Even Singapore banks are willing to pay 4 percent of the ransom repatriation of assets belonging to Indonesian citizens stored in the country, Indonesia Government have to do something to make the Indonesian people wealth come back to Indonesia to support national economy development.

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